Saturday, August 23, 2008

Packer Game/Broncos Game

So, Mark went around telling friends he was going to the Broncos game, and his wife was going to the Packers game. But halfway thru the 1st quarter he leans over to me and says, "I think I'm just going to cheer. No team in particular, just say GO TEAM." I think the best part of the game for him was when Aaron Rodgers took off his helmet, and Mark discovered Rodgers' HANDLE-BAR MUSTACHE!! It was pretty funny. But the game was good, and it was alot of fun. I was telling the guys at work that I really didn't expect the Packers to win, but I was going anyways, cuz "ya gotta love da Pack, ya know?"

There were quite a few in Packers' colors, and even a surprising number of cheeseheads, I was impressed. But I figured it would be me, in green and gold, surrounded by orange and blue, and that's how it was. But what can you expect when you go to "their house"? I had on my newly made tie-dye green and yellow shirt, with "Rodgers is my homeboy" on the front, and GO PACK GO on the back. I also went sporting a green and yellow tie-dye towel I spun around when good things happened, and I had on green and yellow glow-bracelets, just cuz I can do what I want. :P

The game was a lot of fun, and we had pretty good seats too! We sat in the lower bowl, Row 29, Section 133, South-west corner of the field, and yes we were at the endzone where Rodgers dove over the linemen to make the touchdown and then spiked the ball, and also where Driver "dunked" the football, and where the Broncos almost caught a touchdown, but it BOUNCED off the guys numbers. The tickets we got were amazingly cheap too. :D

All in all, it was a pretty fun game. I only regret ONE thing, I forgot my camera, yeah, I'm amazing, I know. But it was pretty fun, and both me and Mark had a good time. GO PACKERS!!

Love always, mark and bry

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