Wednesday, January 19, 2011

And books too

Not only am I addicted to video games and digital things. I love books. Nay, I ♥ books!! I love Barnes & Noble. I love cook books, church books, kid books, self-help books, saving money books. {Although, I really did NOT like Twilight... I went to the movies cuz it was a girls night thing!} But, back to books. If I had the budget {which we all know that I DO NOT!!} I would spend $100 a month on books. And I would probably read them all too! While working in Colorado, I discovered AudioBooks. I fell even more in love! How awesome is it to work at a computer {or drive around like Shark did} and listen to books. We drove across WY listening to Harry Potter. It was amazing! Well, to save my budget, I'm getting a library card. The most awesome thing ever!! Oh sure, I'll take free books any day! {Cuz you know I love *FREE* more than anything, even books, even chocolate cake... Unless it's free chocolate cake...} Lately the books I've been getting have been cheap, but also useful. Like The $7 a Meal Quick and Easy cookbook. Or, 1,000 Easy Household tips. Or, the one I bought today : What to expect before you're expecting. {See that?! BEFORE!! That means : NOT YET!} But I did also buy the 4th book in my Peter and the Star Catchers series... But I have recently been reading Covenant Hearts, it's a good book about marriage and why we get married, not just for us, but for society. And how to tackle the changes and views of the world towards marriage. I'm always finding new recipes and cookbooks. I recently picked up a CrockPot cook book, and 2 Cupcake cook books. Hopefully, we'll be making some cupcakes soon. Shark will tell you he's been dying without cupcakes, and that is completely false.

So yes, I love books. And tomorrow I'm going to get a library card so I can enjoy books for Free!! Plus, that will also help increase our AudioBook collection. Shark loves AudioBooks. But yes, I really do think I'm addicted. But they help. When I'm reading, the stress goes away, and I have to focus on what's going on {or the message being taught} in the book. I can't concentrate on my life and the book at the some time, which is awesome. Everything else I do, I can think of other things while I do them, meaning, my brain never shuts off. Trust me, it's kind of awful. But reading helps me to ignore/forget what's going on. :) So bring on the books!!

Love to those who admit to being addicted to ridiculous things like books, or Wii. ♥

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