Monday, June 22, 2009

Our 1st year!!

One year already! Holy cow! It really is amazing because it really only seems like last month I started working here in Denver, and that Mark and I got married. It doesn't feel like it's been 12 months. But when you look at everything that has happened this past year, it really starts to feel like more than just a year! It has been a wonderful time growing together and getting to know each other more. It's been a fun and wild time (check out the last post!) and we've come to be even better friends than we were when we got married. When I moved out here last April, I made some friends in the ward, but once Mark got out here (and we were married) we started spending every minute we could together. And people tell not to live with your best friend, it apparently ruins the friendship, but I can very happily say that Mark is my best friend and that the friendship is not ruined. If anything our friendship has gotten stronger and better over this past year. Yeah I know it has only been a year, but I am so grateful to him for all he is and all he does. (And people also said the first year was the hardest year ever, because you are getting used to each other. Our year was hard for other reasons - again, see last post!) He has been such a strength to me and has been such a blessing in my life. I adore him, and I care so very much about him. I love you bear!

Anyways, so for the 1st anniversary, we got a hotel down in Denver, we went to Chili's that night. And it was PACKED, so I told Mark, if we have to wait more than 45 minutes we're leaving and going to Chick-fil-a, but the host got us a seat right away (Ahh, the power of 2 and not 4!) So we got in, ate at my favorite restuarant, and then headed down to Denver. It was pretty cool to get away, there's just something about going to a hotel (or some place that is NOT home) that is pretty awesome. We came back Saturday morning, we dug into some year old cake. Now considering we (well, ME) didn't eat any of the cake on the wedding day (Mark had HORRIBLE aim!) the cake was really good! It was still soft (we thawed it for 2 days) and the frosting still tasted good. We also kept one of the bottles of Martinelli's sparking grape juice stuff (it has been at the back of our fridge at the apartment and now here at the house!) and that was still fizzy, no it had not fermented into actual wine, it was still good. Then Mark went fishing and I went to the zoo and a craft store with Heather and Angie. It was a pretty good time. All in all, it was an amazing 1 year anniversary, now we've just gotta top it next year.... We gottta go on vacation before we have little ones, I hear it's impossible. :)

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