Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Family, camping and fishes!

This past weekend, Mark's brother and sister-in-law Steve and Heather, came to visit us! It was tons of fun! We went camping at Pike's National Forest. It was way cold at night, but other than that it was a real good time. We woke up the next morning and went fishing at Jefferson Lake. (The lake still had snow around it. And not like a little bit of snow, like 1 foot in some places, even more in others!) But Heather caught the frst fish (lake trout) and then we all caught fish after that (rainbow trout). I caught the last fish (rainbow) but I was also the fisher-queen because I was the first to catch the limit of 4 fish. It was pretty fun. We then brought the fish home to cook em up, but the 10 fish we caught camping, plus the 10 fish Mark caught the day before was alot of fish. So of course, the boys decided to go fishing AGAIN. Steve caught a huge bass! But the boys brought back tons of fish from that trip too! Mark said that Steve caught 40 fish and Mark caught 30, put threw alot back (thank goodness!) So our fridge is FULL of fishes, Steve and Heather forgot to take the fish home! But the weekend was a good one, it was alot of fun.

Steve and Heather went home Sunday around noon. Mark and I went to church and all the sudden we hear a siren going off. And not like a police siren or a ambulance siren, more along the lines of a tornado siren. The kids kinda start to freak out, but I try to calm them best I can (it works), and everything was fine. We later find out, there was tornado over by the Costco, pretty much at the intersection of Hwy 7 and I-25. And there were at least 5 other tornadoes that were spotted around the Denver-Metro area. So... yeah... I guess it's true, after you get east of the mountains, Colorado DOES become Kansas! Everything was fine, I actually wasn't worried about anything (we don't have cable, so we don't hear about things right away....It's not too bad of a thing really, it just takes us a while to hear the latest thing.)

Love always,
bry & mark

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