Monday, June 22, 2009

Ta da - my garden!! And that crazy pup!

We have had THE craziest weather I have ever seen! (And I from Wisconsin, and it gets pretty crazy there!) Example : I drove to work at 6, the sun had started to come out. Once I got to work at 7 there was a bright blue sky, it was going to be a good day. I sit by the windows at lunch at 12, it'hailing outside, dark crappy clouds. I go on break at 2, again by the windows, it was sunny and beautiful again. I got in my car at 4, I was drenched, it was downpouring horribly! As I'm driving home, I have to go thru almost 2 feet of water on the road (new additions, drainage sucks). As I get home at 5, the rain starts to let up, and it's only sprinkling. At 7, I go get ice cream with Heather, we sit outside because the sun is out and it's kinda hot out. Mark and I head over to Angie's at 8, it's still nice out, but the sun is setting. As we leave Angie's at 10:30, it's pouring again. So, anyways, it's been raining off and on for about weeks, and not sprinkling kind of rain, but downpour kind of rain. So my garden has LOVED it! I haven't had to water hardly at all because there are still puddles in the garden from all the rain. Well, I tried to match the pictures up with the ones I took before. My tomato plants are huge!! My peppers really haven't grown, one of them is on its second flowering, I'm hoping for some peppers this time. My sunflowers did not make it thru spring, birds and animals ate all of them except 1. The cucumbers didn't even sprout. The melons and watermelons seem to be doing good but time will tell. The corn is going good, and the peas and beans are good too. The spinach and the tomatoes are booming!! I'm really excited for the tomatoes to come in! They have a bunch of flowers and each plant has one or 2 greenies on them. The garden has been really fun, and I'm excited to see the final poducts.

Ah, the pooch. He's been lots of fun playing and jumping around. This past Thursday, we got him neutered. He was with the vet all day long, and came back all drowsy and then he went outside and peed for 5 minutes straight. (Not lying!! I went into the house and got a drink of water and came back out and he was STILL peeing!! I guess they don't let them go outside at the vet's office...) But, I gave him his pills twice a day, and he has been back to his rowdy, annoying, chewing self already. His milk teeth are falling out and he's getting his real chompers. So that means he's chewing chewing chewing!! Good thing Mark got him that huge bone when we first got him. But I got him a new toy on Thursday, I figured it was the least I could do since we were taking away his manhood. It's a cute little squeker dragon (ok, ok, i know it's a crocodile, but I call it a dragon, it's just easier to say. We call it Bandit's dragon or his dinosaur... Yeah dinosaur is NOT easier than crocodile... oh well....) Bandit like's the fouton cuz he can jump up on it and snooze. Well, when I'm on the computer, blogging, Facebooking, or working, Mark likes to come in and sleep on the fouton. It counts as quality time :) Well, Bandit will usually snuggle up with him and they'll both snooze. So lately, my hobby has been snapping pictures of the boys while they're dozing. It's pretty cute. All in all, it's been a pretty good week. :)
Love always, bry and mark

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