Wednesday, June 26, 2013


So I learned a while back that Google Reader was going the way of the walkman.... So I looked into other Blog readers...And I found Bloglovin'.

A few of the blogs I follow had already made the switch to Bloglovin', and they raved about it. So I figured I'd jump on the train. So I looked up how to move my Google Reader feed over to Bloglovin'. I googled it and found the Bloglovin' blog and this awesome explanatory post!

It's pretty easy to use, and there's a mobile app for it as well. I have my blogs separated into groups : friends (people I know!), crafty (all the crafty blogs I follow!), and fun (all the crazy fun blogs I follow, like Pintrosity).

I know when you go the Blogger dashboard, there is a list of new posts, but I follow a lot of blogs and Blogger doesn't put up more than 20 new posts... So I miss them sometimes. On the Bloglovin' each blog on my list has a number next to it with the number of new unread posts. When I click on a blog I want to read, it opens another tab, with a direction bar at the top! So I don't have to keep going back to the main page! I can go onto the next blog or post I want to read, right from that page!!

So pretty sure I'm sold on Bloglovin' - it's pretty awesome. Well, awesome when I remember to check my account. But when I do, there's LOTS to read and I enjoy catching up!

So for those of you who still use Google Reader and are as disappointed as I was about it being gone, Bloglovin' might be the answer you've been looking for. It's very user friendly and very fun.


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