Sunday, August 9, 2009

Churck E. Cheese's and a goofy pup-a-lup

So, Friday was Lydia's birthday (yeah I still have to finish her present, I'm so lazy.... Sorry!) And we got invited to go to Chuck E Cheese's yesterday! And, we had some coupons (Thanks Angie!) so we had tons of tokens and it was a lot of fun! Just an idea of HOW much fun we had, check out how many tickets we got. Mark and I combine tickets, but still.... We are THE lamest people ever! I was telling the girl behind the prize counter as I handed her our ticket receipts, she said, No, you'd be surprised. Then I said, No, we are the lamest, we don't have any kids... She laughed... But it was alot of fun to be there. Happy birthday Lydia!!

And, the pup.... yeah... I took him to the vet yesterday, not for anything, just because I've missed his last 2 months apointments and figured we should get him in. He rode in the back of my truck and LOVED it! So, from now on, I get the passenger seat in Mark's truck, and Bandit gets the bed. (We might change that when we go to Utah, but we'll have to see...) We got to the vet, and he went nuts, not cuz it's the vet and "dogs hate the vet" but he could smell everything! (We go to the vet in PetSmart.) And there were people! And not just any people, but people who wanted to pet him and show him attention, because, of course, Mark and I don't supply enough attention for one pup. So his butt was shaking the whole time cuz his tail was wagging! And EVERYBODY came up to pet him, and Oh, he's SOO cute, Look at his feet, His ears are so big!, He's got a beard!, He's so handsome, What a good looking hunting dog, He's such a good boy. Way to stroke his ego guys! Now he'll never leave! He liked looking all the different "toys" (meaning other animals) he sat and watched the birds in the glass cage for a while, and would jump around when they flew off, and he jumped around when the mice and rabbits went running away from the glass, oh yes, it was a jolly ol' time! The vet stuck him with a needle to do the heartworm test, he's negative, so they decided to give him the Large Dog heartworm meds, why the Large Dog meds you ask, oh because Bandit weighs 48.5 lbs! That's why!! HOLY MOLEY!! They told me when we dropped him off in June (for the snip) he weighed 34 lbs, they didn't tell us that in June, the last weigh in was in May, and that was 25 lbs, I figured he wasn't too much bigger than that, I certainly was NOT thinking 23 lbs biggers!! Holy crap! No wonder it hurts when I left him into the bed of the truck!! I should have noticed when I had to buy him the Medium size dog collar a few weeksa ago, and now the medium is maxed out in lenghth... dang it!!! But, I can still tie his ears over his head, and he still lays like a chicken-wing dog, his back legs are longer than his front legs (that's why he runs sideways, his back half goes faster than his front half) and he's beard is getting longer, soon we'll have to trim the hair from in front of his eyes.... He's a cute pup, and pretty soon he'll be a dog, but his feet are still huge and he still trips over them sometimes (he missed his doggie door last week cuz he tripped on his feet) but this "gangly teenage" phase will soon be done... right? We're happy to have the Bandit, he's been alot of fun... I swore I would never dress up my dog, ever, but I'm starting to think of what he could be for Halloween... we might just tie some red fabric in is collar and he could be SuperDog, we'll have to see what he can stand and not tear apart.... That's a ways away, so we've got time....
Lots of love, Mark and Bry

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