Saturday, August 22, 2009

Crafts and a realization...

Ok, I have been crafting tons lately, well, tons in the past 2 days! And I have some way cute new things around the house BUT I cannot post pictures right now. On Tuesday (I think it was Tuesday...) I couldn't find my camera, anywhere. I looked and looked. Wednesday I found out : Out in the yard. Apparently Bandit liked the strap that was hanging off the stove, snatched it, got a camera with it, and had FUN out the backyard, tossing it around. So, the camera won't open, it won't even turn on. I've changed the batteries, no luck. Mark and I are going to go to a camera place and see if it's fixable, if not, then we'll get another one eBay or something,I really liked that camera. So, sorry, no pics. But I will hopefully get some sooner or later. I'll ask Ang if she'll take some pics of my new crafts! :)

Oh, and I realized something this past week. My truck registration is up this month, so I got that taken care of, but as I was putting the sticker on the back license plate, I tried to think of how many times I'd had to replace that sticker... Pretty sure this is the first time I've put a new sticker on the back license plate of any car. Just goes to show how transient I am, I move around alot! Or at least, I used to, now I've gotta man, and responsibilities. :) I thought it was kinda funny how I'd never had to put a new year sticker on any car I've owned.

I'll try to get pictures soon. Love to all - Mark and Bry

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