Friday, July 17, 2009

Little moments....

So we decided to go the Temple today after work, Mark had to work in Denver today, and got done pretty early, so he just chilled around the neighborhood I work in, for a few hours before it was ok for me to leave. We left Mark's truck at my work and took mine down to Centennial. We then went to fill up the gas tank and then be on our way. Mark statted pumping the gas then went in to get cash for renting clothes, buy me a water bottle and use the restroom, he came out, got in the truck and took off. (Note: I was sitting in the passenger seat the whole time. I didn't even unbuckle my seat belt.) We get a little ways down the road, and people are pointing, this lady gets over on the passenger side of the truck and is pointing at us, Mark rolls his window down (he's driving) and then I roll mine down. She says, "You have a gas pump in on your truck, the pump thing is in your gas tank." Mark looks in the side mirror, and sure enough, there it was, the gas pump still in the gas tank. And sure as breathing, there was a police officer, the only time you can't find one is when you really need or want one! He had his lights on, pulled up next to us, Mark said he just saw it and we were heading back to the gas station now. The officer assisted us to make a U-Turn where it said you couldn't. We went back to the station, I was mad, I figured we'd get tagged with a ticket and a charge from the gas station (you know me, always expect the worst.) Well, we got back to the gas station, the officer still behind us, Mark walks in to the lady behind the counter and hands her the pump. She smiled, like it happens all the time, and said Thank you. Mark asked if there was anything else we had to do, she said Nope, she had it taken care of. (The pump and hose was a quick release pump, so if any pulling force was put on the hose, it comes off at the top. Diamond Shamrock has had this happen before!!) Mark walked back to talk to the police officer, he told us to have a nice day! So we then went on our merry way to Centennial. No pictures, I don't have my camera with me all the time (hey! I WAS at work!!), and besides, we were both pretty mad at the time. But it was very fortunate for us that we weren't ticketed or fined. Bad things always seem to happen with you have something planned. Always! But things turned out pretty good in the end. :)

Love always, bry and mark

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