Saturday, July 25, 2009

Rockies Game!! (Game 1 vs the Giants)

So, we got invited to the Rockies game last night. It was a lot of fun! Mark and I have never been to a Rockies game, and it was my first pro-baseball game in the stands (we watched it on TV all the time when I was growing up. Go Cubbies!!) It was pretty fun being in the stands. I took a bunch of pictures with the camera my mom got us as a wedding gift. It's a pretty awesome camera!! The pictures are good for another reason, Row 12, Section 143! We were down in front and it was awesome, we were a little ourfield to the Visitors Dugout. It was pretty awesome!! And I have discovered, that no matter who is playing, if I go to a sporting event, I instantly become a Fan, I'm cheering and hollering and yelling! It's pretty fun, I enjoy it alot!! I'm posting some pictures, not all (I took 45!) But a few! It was tons of fun! Thank you so much for inviting us!!

And now, it's on to my company picnic, I'll try and get more pictures there, but who knows. The baseball game was like the first time I have brought my camera and actually used it!! So, we'll see!!

Oh, and we let Felix the bunny go, he kept trying to jump out of his cage and he ended up mashing is nose all bloody, so we figured, since he really really reallly wanted to be free, we'd grant him that. (Any one know how to teach a turtle to jump?)

Love always, bry and mark

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