Sunday, July 26, 2009

Ta Da!! (It's a skirt!)

And now for the finished product of my Sunday! In the last post, I said I was planning on making some skirts, and I bought the fabric yesterday and had plans to make them today, well, I made ONE today, it really didn't take that long, but I kept measuring and trimming and cutting and trying it on and everything, so it took longer than it said in the Tutorial from Grosgrain. But it turned out *WAY* freaking cute, and I wore it to church today! :) So I am very excited about making the other skirts :) and hope they turn out just as cute, if not cuter!! I've already got ideas popping in my head on how to change it up a little and make it better (meaning, what is more comfy, more/less pleats, more/less elastic, more/less fabric) So yay! I love this new skirt! Well, I feel like I accomplished something, now, on the beating Mario!! :)

Love always, bry and mark

There's a giveaway and a tutorial here : Grosgrain: 20 Minute Simple Skirt Tutorial AND GIVEAWAY!!!!