Tuesday, July 28, 2009

When I'm wearing THESE bad boys?!

Yayayay! So like I said in the last post, I bought a bunch of fabric to make skirts out of, and so far, these are all the "pattern" technique/style. I have one more fabric that I'm going to be trying out a different pattern for, and I'm excited! But, in the mean time, I have created 2 more skirts! (Yeah I keep crankin' em out, they really are so easy!! And I'm going to plug the tutorial again : Grosgrain 20 Minute skirt, and I can't remember who I found this tutorial thru or I'd plug them too! :P) Anyways, I made the red polka-dot one yesterday (to wear to work today, I cheated and wore the pink butterfly one again on Monday, to work) and then I just finished with the black one (to wear to work tomorrow!)!! I was so excited for the black one! I had in my head, how it would be, and how cute it was going to be, and it turned out!! I am so excited and happy!! The red one is cute too, I like how it has just an inch of white peeping out from under the skirt!! And the black one is the shortest of them all, and by short I mean falling about mid-knee cap, the other 2 are below my knee, which is perfect!! But I absolutely ADORE the "pattern" and how the skirts turned out! I kinda changed the red one a little from the butterfly skirt, I took off more fabric, so it didn't bunch as much. I love them all, and I am so excited to find it was that easy to add to my Sunday wardrobe!! Yay for cute and easy things!! I also have a great idea with how to use the scarps from the skirt. But we'll have to see how they turn out, I'm way excited to try this new idea. :) So you see, I am so very excited about all my crafting ventures! And I'll try my best to share them. :) Don't forget to check out that tutorial, this skirt really is simple and easy! I'm going to see how many of them Mark will let me make ;) I've also included a picture of all the fabrics together.

*Oh! And these skirts are way stretchy!! The waistband is elastic, so I'm thinking they would be wearable well into a pregnancy, if they're cute enough ;) Just a cute little idea for those of you expecting ;)

Love to all, bry and mark

1 post-its:

Piccolina Designs

I saw your black one in church yesterday and thought it was way cute. Way to go on making it!!! Too cute.