Sunday, April 14, 2013

101 updates

Ok so I feel like I've made quite a bit of progress, but un-photographable progress...

I will list off the things I've completed.

01. Make a budget, stick to it!  - We've been working on this and so far we've been doing pretty good.

02. Start couponing - ok, so I started... but it was hard to keep up with coupons and figure out which sales to match up with... It was hard... WAS

04. Make and keep a Christmas budget, birthday too! - So we've made a Christmas budget, now to see if we can stick to it. I'm pretty confident we can.

07. Keep tabs on Shark's 401(k) - I use to keep track of his 401(k) and our other accounts. Sometimes it messes with my bank account, like tries to log me in and so I have to call and confirm it really is me, but other than that, it's pretty good.

13. Buy external hard drive for photos - So I was driving Danger around CostCo, and saw a 4T hard drive for like half the price they normally are! So I bought one... It's been pretty awesome. We needed it too, the hard drive on our desktop was ALL used up!

14. Buy external hard drive to back up files - Same external hard drive as above cuz it's freaking HUGE.

17. Attend Education Week - I'm all registered for this year's education week! So freaking excited! It's like EFY for grownups! Shark's going to watch Danger that week, and I am so grateful!

23. Read/listen to 100 books - I've been getting FREE books for my Kindle, and I have been reading while the kids nap, and while Shark sleeps when I can't. I have found my free books at (there's more than 100! He posts 5 free book every morning, afternoon and evening. 

26. Comment on 50 random blogs - I link up to 10 on 10, and I find other blogs and I comment on them. I like seeing what other people post.

27. Write a letter to myself to open at the end of the 1001 days - Wrote it and sealed!

34. Monthly trip to DI, drop off - This is month I started this. I need to keep up with it, there is so much in this house that needs to go!

44. Make new Christmas gifts - The list has been made, and all the materials will be bought next month! I'm so excited!

45. Blog once a week - I've been blogging on Thursdays while Danger naps. :) it's pretty awesome.

46. Do 10 on 10 for a year - This is the first month I've actually remembered!!

47. Take more pictures - I'm still doing my daily pics of Danger or me - or us! :)

48. Find and try 1 new recipe each month - With the help of Pinterest I've been finding all kinds of awesome new recipes. And most of it has been good. MOST!

50. Make Headboard, Height ruler, screen door - I made the height ruler. instead of a headboard, I want to put up a shelf! And we need to get our screen door painted and put on, and a NO SOLICITORS sign put on!!

59. Bake bread from scratch - I made Amish Friendship Bread, which totally counts! But I also plan on making some good old homemade bread.

62. Photo of myself everyday - me and K - So far, I've only missed 1 day (back in January!) 103/365, 28%!!

66. Measure K every month - Last I checked he was 34" Holy crap!

67. Plan 2 weekly activities for babysitting - I'm thinking I'm going to start a "Letter of the Week" We eat food that begins with that letter, and do a craft, like color a paper plate with that letter on it. Yeah...

70. Drink 64 oz of water each day - I've been drinking like a camel!

78. Keep up with General Conference traditions - Last week we made pizza in between sessions, homemade pizza dough! So good! I think it's a keeper!

79. FHE every week - This is week 1! 

80. Read the Scriptures cover to cover - I've been reading every night. :)

82. Keep up with family scriptures and family prayer - We've been reading and praying every night together. :)

92. Try 10 new restaurants - We went to Ruby River, a buffet in Wendover, and Woody's BBQ

97. Go on at least 1 date a month - I make sure that boy takes me on a date every month! At least once!

So my service project of making baby hats has been going great. I dropped off the first 50 of them. And I found a pattern for premie hats. I'm pretty excited to be making them. Those hats are soooo stinking small! I can't imagine a baby small enough to fit them! But I know there are some wee babies who will wear them. :) 

So there. That's what I've done so far. :) There is so much that I'm working on. 

Oooh - and some cute!
 So he always holds his hands behind his back!
 This was a rough day...
 Cute family!
 Rug burn on his forehead from pushing a ball.
The Caped Maestro!
Love all- 

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