Monday, January 3, 2011

24!! And Netflix

So I turn 24 today. Actually it's at like 11:30 tonight but the whole day is mine anyways! For my birthday dinner, I decided I wanted to go to Chuck E Cheese's. Hey, it worked when I turned 14, why not when I turned 24?! So we went. A whole bunch of 20-somethings! And it was a blast! As a group, we collected over 1000 tickets!! It was really a good time. Here is a picture of my trip to Chuck E Cheese's!

I know before I was having a Love Affair With Blockbuster, but Shark's whole family has converted to Netflix, and we recently hooked our Wii up to the internet, and discovered that we can get instant movies on our Wii with Netflix. Besides, Netflix is $5 cheaper than Blockbuster, and that's with instant downloads AND DVD's in the mail! So we switched. I'm such a traitor... But, it does mean an EVEN cheaper date night. I won't be getting video games in the mail anymore, but with all the Wii games we got for Christmas and birthday, I'd say we've got quite a library! :)

Love to those who look for adventures and good times, rather than just waiting for things to happen to them. ♥

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