Tuesday, April 13, 2010

to finish

So, I have at least 1 project in the works {yes, I'm being Mysterious...very very mysterious!!} and I'm hoping to get it done this week. I know that 'THIS WEEK' is way open ended and a big window for completion, but that's how things are going to go for a while. My weekend was taken by shopping and partying for the cutest little girl ever!! [I don't mind, my weekend wasn't going to be filled with anything but sleep anyways.] But this project will be posted on Etsy, as soon as I get it done. Shark saw it yesterday and commented on it, all on his own, no provocation from me!! He said it looked good, and it's not even done yet!! I've been working on the iSpy bottles/jars, and those aren't too hard to complete, so now I just need to post them. And I have a new idea for another iSpy thing, just using my resources, and hoping things work out. I got some frames to make some more stuff for the Etsy store, now to just buy a few more things to comeplete them, and then get at least a million Saturdays to work on them, and make them, and we should be ready to go! HA!

I'm still training at the Depot, I just wish I could get a final schedule, rather than, just show up anytime and we can train you. I'd rather have 5-10pm or 2-7pm called out. When I'm left to my own devices, I get lazy and unmotivated. So I'd rather have someone telling me when to be where.

Also, in the on-going story that is my heart, I have an appointment on Thursday, with a new doctor, in a new hospital. I'm hoping to get the results from the CT scan the Dr's in CO did the Friday we left. Also, the doc I'm scheduled to go see on Thursday is an Adult Congenital Heart Disease doctor, so I'm pretty happy that I'll be going to see him. He should know all about heart diseases and stuff like that. I'm happy about seeing an Adult CHD specialist. I'm hoping he knows what's going on, and what has happened when my heart was "tickled" last year. Here's hoping something gets figured out.

Today's POTD is : Bandit snuggling with his little hedgehog squeaker toy. Squeak Squeak.

Love to all who have unfinished tasks...yeah I know you do!! ♥

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