Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Fantasy football Week 3

Mark : 57 (1-2) - Team : The Good Guys

Bry 86 (1-2) - Team : What it is Ho

Week 3, Mark and I won't play each other again this season, but I'm still going to post both our scores anyway. So I realized that as awesome as my team name is (raised eyebrows!!) that my team sucks big time, and that, yes, I really have NO idea what I am doing. However, I did good this week, not great, but good. I won!! I beat Ramsey's team, 86-81. It was so close, I'm amazed I won. He had Romo and the Dallas kicker, so if they hadn't gone for the 2 point at the end, and Romo had thrown it for a TD and then kicked a FG, I so would have lost!! But, seeing how Dallas was ahead by 18 points, they decided not to murder the Panthers, just beat them.

However, Mark had no time to change his line-up this week. (I tried to help him out and remind him, but MarioKart Wii got him all distracted and he missed out.) He had the same guys on the field that he had last week, well, some of the guys had started last week got injured and didn't play this week. So, he lost to Reid, 66-57. Not too bad of a score, at least it wasn't 113-60, or 144-73, or something horrible like that. Now that we don't have this paper route, we'll be able to find the time to change our line-ups and all that.

Thanks again to Angie and Gerrit for letting us come over to watch the games, it's so fun to watch football, I love it. But, our plans for Sunday fell thru, we were going to get family pictures taken, and we couldn't find that lady at the park we went to, so the pics never happened. Hopefully, we've got something else in the works for getting those done, before Christmas!! Woot woot!! We'll just have to see. :)

Love to all - Bry and Mark

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