Tuesday, February 9, 2010

breakfast and a haircut

Today, my friend Angie asked  if I wanted to go get breakfast at iHop with her this morning. I agreed, I never turn down food, especially if I don't have to make it!! ;) It was lots of fun just hanging out with her and Kai, and just eating food and talking.

Tonight, I gave Shark a haircut. This has been my duty since marriage, which is fine, I don't mind at all. But as of late, I have slack horribly on my duty. Tonight, I fixed all that. I cut his hair. All I can say is, it was about time. I had intention to cut it a while ago, but never had the follow thru, I'm horrible at procrastinating. Wait, if I procrastinate alot, does that make me good at procrastinating? Oh well. I got pictures of the before and after. And apparently my haircuts make Shark evil.....

And I have a POTD for today. When Shark left for work, he shut the back door, and the C fell. The C is always falling, whenever I shut the microwave door, a cupboard, the fridge door, the oven door, the back door, it's always falling. So the C falling is the POTD for 1.9.10.


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