Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas gifts!

So here is a rundown of the gifts I made this year for Christmas, I also putting who got what on here because this is posted AFTER Christmas! (also because they don't check the blog regularly, so HA!)

*The picture is BELOW the info about the project and who it's for!!

Here is the wedding album I made for my my dad. (I just got the pictures this summer, and realized he didn't have any yet, so I made him an album!) I had this chipboard album around the house (a scrapbooking store went out of business, so I snatched up all I could!) and I found this tutorial from Creativity Prompt on how to cover it with scrapbook paper.

And here is the Chicken Wire Message board I made for Heather! I was so excited to make this! I had made one for a friend (as a test drive, but it turned out super freaking cute!) and was way happy with how it turned out and got so excited to make this for Heather. I found this idea from Creative Crate. I added sunflowers cuz Heather's kitchen is sunflowers and chickens. I couldn't find any chickens, but CHICKEN wire!! Eh, eh!! Pink and purple flops and wallet.

I made some gifts for Angie. It was sorta hard to think of something to give to her, cuz she could really make anything she wanted. But I thought I'd make something I thought she wouldn't make for herself. I saw on a blog, a lady made a cookie sheet calendar from Oops I craft my pants and I really loved the idea, so I whipped one up for Ang! And then I found this website called The Idea Door that has free downloadable temple pictures, and so, I downloaded a bunch, and Mod Podge'd the pics onto plates for friends!!

I made a blanket for my mom. I had the idea while ago.

Here is Sammi's gifts. I also made her a plate. I made her a wallet, flip flops and a chicken wire board. The chickenwire board is more for her birthday, her b-day is the 27th. Green and silver.

Here are Katie's gifts - wallet and flip flops. This was my main gift this year, I made the flip flops and wallets for my girls. Lime green and multi color.

Here are the gifts for Gwennie. I made her a wallet, flip flops and a name plaque board, she got married in October, and I had to make ther this board!! Lime green and purple.

Here is Fanga's gift. I made her a wallet. Pinks.

Chalkboard for Grandma. I made her this, she has a cat, so I put paw prints on it! :)

Merry Christmas!

- I have some more pictures to get, I completely forgot to take some pictures before I wrapped them! I forgot Mark's mom's gift, Scott's gift, and Alexa and Meg's gifts! I'll add those as soon as I get them from mom.

0 post-its: