Friday, December 18, 2009

Random days in WINTER

So, the past few days I've been in a cleaning kick. (Yes mom, it's true!) I've come home from work and just started cleaning everything. Well, more like picking up trash and actually throwing it out. I cleaned off the table, which never happens. I even reorganized my limited counter space, I squished all my appliances (except the slow cooker) on the corner counter, and Mark helped me with dishes. The last half of this month and as long as it takes in January, my goal is to get the house clean, and to have it stay that way for at least 3 weeks. I'm thinking it won't be too hard, it'll just take commitment on both our parts, to put things away, throw things away, and fold the laundry as soon as it comes out of the dryer!!! These past few monthes have been crazy because I have been making gifts like it's my business. But, that will all stop as soon as the 25th hits! (Of course, after the 25th, the making will soon be replaced with playing with my new things!) And I've already got plans for new projects for 2010! I am so awful, I know! But, I am prepared to put off my projects until I get organized. That is what I want this next year, to get organized! I want to organize my projects, my crafts, my computer room, my supplies, my house, everything! I know that I will never ever ever be totally organized, but I feel confident in getting slightly more organized than I am right now. Anyways, I just want my house to be clean enough for people to stop over and me not crying.... :) It shouldn't look this horrible, it's just me and Mark. We do have Bandit, but he's not that messy! It's really just us!!! So, that is hopefully going to be my plan for tomorrow. Mark is going hunting first thing in the morning, and he's taking the Bandit, so I will have all day to do my business! (Let's just see if I still have my ambition in the morning!) Here goes!!

love to all - bry and mark

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