Thursday, January 14, 2010

Caught it again!

Today I woke up sick - again! I woke up with a sore throat. So, I have been chugging the OJ, drinking loads of H2O and popping echinichea/golden seal and vitamin C like a mad-woman. I got thru work, and got home, and took another dose of the vitamin C. Since I didn't get to stop in the library yesterday, I asked Shark if he wanted to go today, he said he did, so we got in the truck and went out for a night at the library. So the new library is not very organized, or maybe it is, they just don't have it labeled, well, either way, I can never seem to find anything! Shark and I have been on a Book On CD kick for a while, cuz I can listen to them at work, and he can plug into his iPod and listen all day too! Best. Ever. So, I brought along a list of the books I wanted to find, and Shark found them all for me!! He's the best ever!! So, the POTD for 1.14.10 is a pic of the books we got from the library!! Yayayayay!!

((Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!!))

love, girl & shark

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