Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I told the Witch Doctor....

Oh ee oh ah ah, ting tang willa walla bing bang

Oh wow, if only that would work!! I'm about ready to head to a witch doctor for my headaches. Now, they have gotten better, they aren't constant, they are back to being weekly migraines, sometimes daily migraines. But it's not constant pain! Yayay! Sort of. When I do get head aches now, they really just wipe me out, and knock me down. they're still pretty awful. But I go back to the doctor (not the witch doctor....yet) this month, and then I also back to the cardiologist next month. I have my 1-year check up for the heart surgery. Goodness, has it already been a year? Holy crap! It sure doesn't feel like a year ago I had open heart surgery!! Wow! Anyways, we are still working on getting the migraines gone, or at least mostly gone. I've got the make an appointment to get back in and see the nuerologist here pretty quick.

And today we didn't do anything special. Shark and I both worked today, came home, watched TV and then went to bed. Nothing exciting at all. So here is my potd for today. A picture of my desk at work. Trust me, nothing exciting at all.

I did have the song stuck in my head all day though....
Oh ee oh ah ah....

love - girl & shark

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