Sunday, January 31, 2010
Sunday SUNday SUNDAY!
Not mcuh really happened today. We got the word out about us moving. It looks like some plans got made with friends, hanging out this month and crafts and stuff. As Shark and I were getting ready for church this morning, Shark walked out of the room, and looked at Bandit. Shark asked if I put the rabbit like that, I said no, didn't you? Nope. Apparently, Bandit was having a tea party with his bunny. This was how it was set up. {This is also the POTD for 1.31.10}
How cute is that?! Funny little dog put his bunny on his bottom and they were staring eachother down!!Bandit carries his bunny by the ears sometimes, and we're guessing that's how the bunny came into the sitting position. I put some words on it.
Oh, I also watched Phantom of the Opera for the first time. It was pretty good, it was a beautiful movie, the masked dude was kind of a jerk, but hey, you can't win em all, right?
love ->
How cute is that?! Funny little dog put his bunny on his bottom and they were staring eachother down!!Bandit carries his bunny by the ears sometimes, and we're guessing that's how the bunny came into the sitting position. I put some words on it.
Oh, I also watched Phantom of the Opera for the first time. It was pretty good, it was a beautiful movie, the masked dude was kind of a jerk, but hey, you can't win em all, right?
love ->
News Style,
POTD Style
potd for the weekend
The POTD for 1.28.10, Thrusday is : my Harry Potter movies. These movies will be the last movies I buy in Colorado, and I thought they were cheapies....
The POTD for 1.29.10, Friday, is : a map of Utah. After getting laid off on Friday, we have bumped up the moving date. We'll be in Utah starting in March.
The POTD for 1.30.10, Saturday is, some purple ribbon (to finish my project with), some blue paper dog bones (for something really fun!) and some new Cricut ink pens (awesome, but also the last purchase.)
We'll have to work on a good picture for today, these ones are kinda of lame... I'll let you know at the end of the day.
Here's a pic Angie took, it had just gotten windy that day, it was cold too!! But only me and Bandit are showing the wind. :)
love -
The POTD for 1.29.10, Friday, is : a map of Utah. After getting laid off on Friday, we have bumped up the moving date. We'll be in Utah starting in March.
The POTD for 1.30.10, Saturday is, some purple ribbon (to finish my project with), some blue paper dog bones (for something really fun!) and some new Cricut ink pens (awesome, but also the last purchase.)
We'll have to work on a good picture for today, these ones are kinda of lame... I'll let you know at the end of the day.
Here's a pic Angie took, it had just gotten windy that day, it was cold too!! But only me and Bandit are showing the wind. :)
love -
Family Style,
POTD Style
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Celebrity Doppleganger
So, that same radio station that had the psychic lady on, was talking about this face recognition web site that finds which celebrities you look like. So, since I was sorta busy yesterday with unwork, I went to the website today. And I came back with interesting results.
I tried it again with a different picture, and it matched me with different people. I like these results the best!! So far, my Saturday is going prretty good.
I tried it again with a different picture, and it matched me with different people. I like these results the best!! So far, my Saturday is going prretty good.
Easy Style,
Free Style
Friday, January 29, 2010
Shark and I have been planning to move back to Utah for a while now. We were originally planning on making the "big move" when our lease is officially up at the end of June, but today we where forced to make a decision. I got laid-off from my job this afternoon. So we have decided to move back to Utah earlier than expected. It really caught me off guard, I really wasn't expecting anything like this happening. The week started off with Shark getting called into an emergency company-wide meeting. His boss had made the decision to issue a company-wide paycut. So, the week didn't start out going good, plus, I've been having horrible headaches, so I scheduled a whole bunch of appointments for my head and I also checked up when my cardio check up a year after my open heart surgery. Well, those 4 appointments are all scheduled in February. Those appointments will now have to be cancelled, because my benefits and insurance have now been cancelled. So, this has been a pretty trying time so far. Just unexpected, and it caught me completely unawares. I had no idea it was coming, and it honestly, the last thing I was expecting when I walked into work this morning. I have learned alot from that job, and appreciate the opportunity, but at the same time, it really was not expected! So yes, we are moving to Utah. No point in sticking around if all my benefits are gone. Plus, Shark hasn't very good luck so far in Colorado, he's had to pay alot of money to the state or while in the state. So, in Shark's words "goodbye horrible state that is Colorado." So - Utah here we come. We'll be back around the 1st of March. Sorry the news is so random and sudden, trust me, it hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm just letting everybody {who reads this, at least} about the change to come.
love always,
love always,
Crash Style,
News Style,
Stress Style,
Work Style
Thursday, January 28, 2010
That's incorrect
So, on the radio this morning, my country station had a Medium {psychic} on giving advide or info to people over the phone. First of all, I don't believe in that stuff, I believe that after this life, our spirits have a place to go, have something to do, so they aren't just hanging around us, I believe they visit us sometimes, in special places, but they aren't just hanging out. Secondly, I think there would need to be a face to face contact, not something over the phone. Give me a break. I felt myself wanting to call in, just to prove this lady wrong. But I didn't call in. I don't have a reason to [aside from choving it back in the lafy's face as my own personal vendetta, just to say HA] and I'm not letting that kind of thinking into my life. But I listened the whole wasy to work, which is odd, I usually turn the channel when the station has a medium on (they have them on quite a bit....). I listened as this one caller asked about health and who was "around her" - the medium kept "feeling" how this caller's back was causing her pain, the caller said No, I'm not in any pain. The medium said there was a sister figure around this caller, the caller said No, I don't have a sister and no females I know have died. It reminded me of a cartoon {or something} I saw when I was little, someone called in to get a psychic reading, and the "psychic" was just throwing darts at a board, and the comments and feelings were so general, they worked for everybody that called in. Hmmmm.... Do you think that throwing darts could work at my job? And could I charge $125 an hour? I think it's worth a shot.... But anyways, the medium on the radio made me laugh today.
Also, I've had people butt-dial me before, but very seldom do they answer the phone with their butt. For instance, I called Shark this morning, and the call was picked up, but then all I heard was his CD player and what I think was the inside of his pocket. I think it would be strange to hear a little voice shouting my name, coming from my pocket. That's why I have a loud, somewhat embarassing ringtone, I jump on that like a Mormon mother on the clearance rack. (Don't hate, I jump on that rack too, and I'm not even a mom yet!)
I've been really edgey lately, and I'm sorry. I've been pretty frustrated with the headache that has plauged me the last 5 days. However, Tuesday night, Shark and I were both struggling with what to do and how to fix it, We stayed up and talked for a while, and finally turned to prayer. I went to bed Tuesday night with the aid of NyQuil and a half dose of sleep aid, I woke up Wednesday morning feeling better than I had all week. My head still hurt, but it was a different kind of hurt, not the poking, not changing kind of unrelenting pain, this new pain fluctuated and kind of throbbed. Wednesday night, Shark and I just hung out, we finished the last episode of season 5 of Lost [so excited for season 6!] and I crafted a bit. Really, my crafting was a test. A test to see how I was feeling. I really want to finish my project for Steve and Heather's baby girl! I need to get it done this week, so I can send it out! Upon completing the craft last night, I have cleared myself to work on the project! But not tonight, tonight is Bunko. Hopefully I'll finish it up Friday and Saturday, and hopefully have it mailed off on Saturday!!
Tonight at Bunko it was a much needed night with the girls. But first, I went to Wal-mart to get some stuff I needed to get, chocolate for bunko.... And as I was browsing around WalMart (I had an hour or so!) I came upon the movie bins. I looked and I thought I saw Harry Potter in the bin! Could it be?! It was! I found the Harry Potter movies in one of those cheapie movie bins! Now, I double checked that someone didn't just toss them in there unwanted, but there were more copies of the HP movies! Yayayay! Shark likes those movies alot, and he had asked for them for Christmas (he got an air compressor, no complaints) so I scrounged around for the first 4! Score! I got to the checkout, and she rang the newest one up first, it was $9, I said the price was wrong, she said no it wasn't I said I don't care, I still want the movie. Well, they were all $9!! FAIL! I bought them anyways. I get home totally defeated, I tell Shark my story of the wrong price. He says he really wanted those movies, so he's happy, but how come I didn't get the 4th movie? WHAT?!?! Apparently, my memory of Mr. Potter is not as good as I thought, I got 1, 2, 3, & 5. I skipped the Goblet of Fire movie. I tell Shark, it's my aversion to the fairy vampire in that movie.... He laughed. He had a Harry Potter night while I was at bunko. :)
I'll post a POTD tomorrow, it's late tonight, and I want to snuggle......
Love -
Also, I've had people butt-dial me before, but very seldom do they answer the phone with their butt. For instance, I called Shark this morning, and the call was picked up, but then all I heard was his CD player and what I think was the inside of his pocket. I think it would be strange to hear a little voice shouting my name, coming from my pocket. That's why I have a loud, somewhat embarassing ringtone, I jump on that like a Mormon mother on the clearance rack. (Don't hate, I jump on that rack too, and I'm not even a mom yet!)
I've been really edgey lately, and I'm sorry. I've been pretty frustrated with the headache that has plauged me the last 5 days. However, Tuesday night, Shark and I were both struggling with what to do and how to fix it, We stayed up and talked for a while, and finally turned to prayer. I went to bed Tuesday night with the aid of NyQuil and a half dose of sleep aid, I woke up Wednesday morning feeling better than I had all week. My head still hurt, but it was a different kind of hurt, not the poking, not changing kind of unrelenting pain, this new pain fluctuated and kind of throbbed. Wednesday night, Shark and I just hung out, we finished the last episode of season 5 of Lost [so excited for season 6!] and I crafted a bit. Really, my crafting was a test. A test to see how I was feeling. I really want to finish my project for Steve and Heather's baby girl! I need to get it done this week, so I can send it out! Upon completing the craft last night, I have cleared myself to work on the project! But not tonight, tonight is Bunko. Hopefully I'll finish it up Friday and Saturday, and hopefully have it mailed off on Saturday!!
Tonight at Bunko it was a much needed night with the girls. But first, I went to Wal-mart to get some stuff I needed to get, chocolate for bunko.... And as I was browsing around WalMart (I had an hour or so!) I came upon the movie bins. I looked and I thought I saw Harry Potter in the bin! Could it be?! It was! I found the Harry Potter movies in one of those cheapie movie bins! Now, I double checked that someone didn't just toss them in there unwanted, but there were more copies of the HP movies! Yayayay! Shark likes those movies alot, and he had asked for them for Christmas (he got an air compressor, no complaints) so I scrounged around for the first 4! Score! I got to the checkout, and she rang the newest one up first, it was $9, I said the price was wrong, she said no it wasn't I said I don't care, I still want the movie. Well, they were all $9!! FAIL! I bought them anyways. I get home totally defeated, I tell Shark my story of the wrong price. He says he really wanted those movies, so he's happy, but how come I didn't get the 4th movie? WHAT?!?! Apparently, my memory of Mr. Potter is not as good as I thought, I got 1, 2, 3, & 5. I skipped the Goblet of Fire movie. I tell Shark, it's my aversion to the fairy vampire in that movie.... He laughed. He had a Harry Potter night while I was at bunko. :)
I'll post a POTD tomorrow, it's late tonight, and I want to snuggle......
Love -
Awesome Style,
Evil Laugh Style,
Friend Style,
Try Style
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
new-ish craft
So, I made a big chickenwire board for my SIL Heather for Christmas. I made one for Sammi Jo and one for my friend Heather, here in the CO. Well, when I was having Shark put the chickenwire on 1 of the boards, he accidently skewed the frame, and instead of throwing it out, I kept it, cuz I'm a dork like that. If you look closely to the picture, you'll see that the frame isn't really square, and it's really a parallelogram (yes, I had to spellcheck that one.) But really, that's what it is. But, it fits with us. Shark made it for me, and I love it. I just added some of my own touches to it. :)
And, I did this when we were watching the last episode of season 5 of Lost!! I'm excited for season 6! But I had to have something to do with my hands! So I made this for us, now remember, the chicken wire was already on it, I just added the string, and made the clothespins looks cute.
My headache has mostly gone away, it's not near as bad as it was yesterday. I know that it is thru the power of prayer and thru faith that my headaches have started easing up. I know that Shark and I are blessed with the life we have, and blessed to be where we are now. I am loving every minute of this life. Every now and then, I'll have a horrible headache, but it's not the same as it was since Saturday. Not that much pain.
Anyways, my POTD for 1.17.10 is the puppy butt. I was taking a picture of the chicken board, and the Bandit just happened to walk right into the shot. Go figure. :)
And there you have it!! Love and blessings -->
And, I did this when we were watching the last episode of season 5 of Lost!! I'm excited for season 6! But I had to have something to do with my hands! So I made this for us, now remember, the chicken wire was already on it, I just added the string, and made the clothespins looks cute.
My headache has mostly gone away, it's not near as bad as it was yesterday. I know that it is thru the power of prayer and thru faith that my headaches have started easing up. I know that Shark and I are blessed with the life we have, and blessed to be where we are now. I am loving every minute of this life. Every now and then, I'll have a horrible headache, but it's not the same as it was since Saturday. Not that much pain.
Anyways, my POTD for 1.17.10 is the puppy butt. I was taking a picture of the chicken board, and the Bandit just happened to walk right into the shot. Go figure. :)
And there you have it!! Love and blessings -->
Craft Style,
Love Style,
POTD Style
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
not new
So I've had a headache {migraine, if you will} since Saturday. And a bad one at that. I was almost to the point of tears today at work, it hurt so bad. I didn't even go to work yesterday. It feels like someone had a hand gripped white-knuckle around the left side of my brain and not letting up for any reason. It's been constant since waking up Saturday. I have moments where I'll be busy thinking of something else, and ignore my head or not notice the pain, but once I settle down for a minute *BAM* the pain is back in full force like it never really left. So, amid my pain, I am posting just a little snippet about it and posting a POTD. It's the Bandit again. I had to beat him today, he got into the house and chewed up my cushion AGAIN, he got the newspaper and the bathroom garbage and the kitchen garbage. But after that, I played tug of war with him, I get these great paper tubes from work (the big rolls of paper for the plotter come on them, they are heavy duty!!!) And he chews on them for a while, and makes a BIG mess.
But, things have been going good so far. I've still got to finish my project, not even crafting will take away my headache, what's wrong with me?! I'll be posting pics as soon as it's done and mailed away!!
Oh, I've got some appointments coming up. Feb 8 - I go in to see my Primary Dr, to get more insight on the migraines. Feb 17 - The stress test, treadmill, standard appt after cardio surgery. Feb 22 - Echo appt, standard after cardio surgery. Feb 24 - Cardiologist check up 1 year after surgery. April 5 - Neurologist appointment cuz I'm sick of migraines. Crossing our fingers that we find an answer!!
love -->
But, things have been going good so far. I've still got to finish my project, not even crafting will take away my headache, what's wrong with me?! I'll be posting pics as soon as it's done and mailed away!!
Oh, I've got some appointments coming up. Feb 8 - I go in to see my Primary Dr, to get more insight on the migraines. Feb 17 - The stress test, treadmill, standard appt after cardio surgery. Feb 22 - Echo appt, standard after cardio surgery. Feb 24 - Cardiologist check up 1 year after surgery. April 5 - Neurologist appointment cuz I'm sick of migraines. Crossing our fingers that we find an answer!!
love -->
Doctor Style,
Migraine Style,
POTD Style
Monday, January 25, 2010
Ok, so lately, my head has been killing me, not literally, but it feels like it. So, in my rage of pain, I took off to Walgreens today, I had a prescription to pick up, so I decided I'd do and grab anything and everything off the shelf that said HEADACHE RELIEF on it. This weeks starting line up is today's Picture Of The Day.
Now, just because I have all of these doesn't mean I take them all at the same time. Give me some credit! I've been taking pills all my life, I know better than that. But, I figured, I should try everything at least once, to see if there is something out there that can stop my headaches. [And to that butthole doctor that said my migraines are average and unoriginal, pppbbbbbtttttttttttttt! If''n I'm so dang average, how come no can figure out what's wrong with me?!?! Really! I bought all these in hopes that something works. {please?}
Anyways, so today was an ok day, I stayed home from work today, I just slept right thru everything. I'll explain it all tomorrow, well, we'll see how my head feels in the morning. Shark is still at work.... And it seems like it's time for me to test out the new humidifier I just bought.
love ~~>
Now, just because I have all of these doesn't mean I take them all at the same time. Give me some credit! I've been taking pills all my life, I know better than that. But, I figured, I should try everything at least once, to see if there is something out there that can stop my headaches. [And to that butthole doctor that said my migraines are average and unoriginal, pppbbbbbtttttttttttttt! If''n I'm so dang average, how come no can figure out what's wrong with me?!?! Really! I bought all these in hopes that something works. {please?}
Anyways, so today was an ok day, I stayed home from work today, I just slept right thru everything. I'll explain it all tomorrow, well, we'll see how my head feels in the morning. Shark is still at work.... And it seems like it's time for me to test out the new humidifier I just bought.
love ~~>
Migraine Style,
POTD Style,
Try Style
Sunday, January 24, 2010
ta da?!
Just kidding! Nothing big happening here at all. We just watching the NFC Championship game, the Vi-Queens are out, looks like Prince's song was a funeral dirge for the Vikes.... You Fail. Anyways, we went over the Angie's and Gerrit's to watch the games. Her and Teri had me revisit my crocheting side, I struggled for a bit, but finally ended up making a flower, it was a messed up looking flower, but a flower it was! See:
But Ang helped me create the signature at the bottom of my post!! I am so excited for the signature! Thank you so much for helping me, Angie! I really would NOT have made a cute signature, and I don't know the programs at all. I would be lost without you!
And the POTD for 1.24.2010 is : Bandit's Beard. I was taking pictures, and he kept crawling towards me, trying to eat my fingers. He's a such a funny doggie!!
Love to all -
But Ang helped me create the signature at the bottom of my post!! I am so excited for the signature! Thank you so much for helping me, Angie! I really would NOT have made a cute signature, and I don't know the programs at all. I would be lost without you!
And the POTD for 1.24.2010 is : Bandit's Beard. I was taking pictures, and he kept crawling towards me, trying to eat my fingers. He's a such a funny doggie!!
Love to all -
Craft Style,
Football Style,
Friend Style,
POTD Style
Who needs sleep?
Hmm, so I think it's a sign when I flipped the light switch and the last bulb burned out in the spare room. A sign to either buy more bulbs or go back to bed. I can't sleep tho. So I've decided to create my post for Saturday.
Sometimes All the times when I don't have music, I google the band name, get their MySpace page and listen, I'm such a mooch. Lately it has been 2 bands I really love. Owl City is an awesome dude who's got some pretty awesome songs. Go here to listen!! The next band I am totally in love with {and have been in love with since they first started as Of Lesser Concern, then they were Strait Outta Compton, and now they have evolved into....} Hillcrest Road. They've gone thru some band changes, name changes, and music changes, but I love the sound!! I know the lead singer, Scott Dangerfield <--- I took him to my Junior Prom!! I kid you not! {See that's me and him!}
My sister in law Heather had her baby! Baby Whitney was born January 22nd at 11:54pm {I picked the 23rd in the pool, I lost by 6 minutes!! :} she weighed in at 6lbs 10oz, and was 19 inches long, and she has a head of brown hair!! Yayayay! [now to finish my project!]
His brother Rob Dangerfield was the drummer for OLC, and he totally rocked at it, no lies, we got a picture of him smashing the drums and they entire picture was blurred but his face and the bass drum. It's an awesome picture. But here's a link for Hillcrest Road, in the words of my friend Sydney, listen and fall in love.
But yesterday, we woke up around 11:30 or so, but my head was seriously killing me. It felt like someone had their finger in my brain, just poking me in the left side of my gray matter, and just pushing. It hurt so bad. I took all I could think of to make it go away, then I figured the best thing would be to just work right thru it. I got stuff done on my project, but the headache persisted. I took some Tylenol PM and laid down around 7 or so, and Shark went to bed then too. So, now it's 3:30 AM, and my head is still hurting, but not as bad as yesterday, I'm listening to HcR and blogging.
POTD for 1.23.10 is Shark with this almost exploded Sierra Mist can, Bandit was on a soda kick a while back, and he brought this can outside, then it snowed, Shark found it today cuz the snow has been melting.
Love to all - girl & shark
Awesome Style,
Migraine Style,
New Style,
POTD Style,
Try Style
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Feeling Snarky?!
Why yes, I am!! What's it to you?! It sure beats how the Vikings feel after Prince released his new song, "Purple And Gold" - You can click the FoxTwinCities9News here, and then click on the little video on the left to listen.... and then go here to buy Q-tips to clean out your ears. Trust me, you'll need them. And since when are their colors Purple and GOLD?! Since The Old One decided it was his idea that the Packers were green and gold?! Hmmm... Not sure I'm a fan, what I am FOR SURE not a fan of the Vi-Queens or their Master Commander, leader of the world. That team gets any more lame, and I'll have to ask Shark's dad to take them to "the dariy farm" with the rest of the cats.
Tonight I got lots done on my project, I'm almost done!! I'm hoping to get it done tomorrow!! {my fingers are crossed!!} Shark played basketball tonight, so I got to craft. :)
Pronunciation: \ˈsnär-kē\
Function: adjective
Etymology: dial. snark to annoy, perhaps alteration of nark to irritate
Date: 1906
1 : crotchety, snappish
2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner
— snark·i·ly \-kÉ™-lÄ“\ adverb
POTD for 1.22.10 is : brinner!! I made french toast and sausage for dinner tonight. I bought everything last night [my shopping excursion] but was feeling awful last night, so I didn't make it, but I made it tonight, and it was AWESOME!!
Love to you - girl & shark
Tonight I got lots done on my project, I'm almost done!! I'm hoping to get it done tomorrow!! {my fingers are crossed!!} Shark played basketball tonight, so I got to craft. :)
And just in case you were wondering :
Main Entry: snarky Pronunciation: \ˈsnär-kē\
Function: adjective
Etymology: dial. snark to annoy, perhaps alteration of nark to irritate
Date: 1906
1 : crotchety, snappish
2 : sarcastic, impertinent, or irreverent in tone or manner
— snark·i·ly \-kÉ™-lÄ“\ adverb
POTD for 1.22.10 is : brinner!! I made french toast and sausage for dinner tonight. I bought everything last night [my shopping excursion] but was feeling awful last night, so I didn't make it, but I made it tonight, and it was AWESOME!!
Love to you - girl & shark
Craft Style,
Food Style,
POTD Style
Another Monday?!
I woke up late today. I have an excuse tho : I had a big headache last night {what else is new?!} but this time I took some Tylenol PM, it knocked me out flat! It was wonderful! So I woke up late this morning, got ready, started the trucks, locked out the dog, and went off to work. Well it must have Bring a hobo, Ski for Free day at the mountains today, cuz everybody was on the road with boards and skiis today. Well, I'm just driving to work, not really going crazy or anything, traffic is kinda bad, lots of people on the road. The guy behind was getting impatient. Impatient meaning he was swerving on the sides of me to see around to see if it was me going slow or the million of cars in front of me. (It really was the cars in front of me!) After driving with Shark, I've learned to give a following distance, so I'm not right on the car in front of me's hitch. So I was about a car-length back, well, the guy behind me couldn't handle that at all! He kept flashing his brights at me, and doing the sneak and swerve, just kind of bugging me. I hate when I can't see the headlights of the car behind me, I think they are too close if I can't see them. Well, I couldn't even see this guys windshield wipers, he was that close! I tapped on the brakes a few times, to hopefully get the message across GET AWAY FROM ME! Nope, he didn't catch that hint. So I roll down my driver window and wave him over next to me, signalling to go around. He doesn't take THAT hint either, so I find a spot to get in the right lane, and I go for it. He zooms up next to me, so he's riding right next to me, and totally gives me the stinky fish eye! I'm thinking, for real?! You're going to scuzz me?! So I let him go. I know people drive retarded everywhere, but I have found more jerk drivers our west. {Sorry CO and UT, it's true!} Not saying that everyone in the Wisco is nice as can be, but it's not every other person on the road back there that's a jerk, and it's usually only during a hunting season or football game, also the whole attitude of the state is dependent on the outcome of said football game. :) Oh well, here's hoping the day goes better!! If I'm 'lucky' I'll be going grocery shopping tonight.Yeah, real lucky!
I did get to go grocery shopping tonight, but I also got some more done on my project. Shark also got called in to work around 6:30, for an off hours emergency mouse job. He got that taken care of, and I got some crafting stuff for a side project I'm working on for an upcoming holiday....It has to do with the L featured in a POTD from Monday. :)
POTD for 1.21.10 is : the remains of the Wii Fit packaging. The Bandit has a craving for cardboard, and as soon as the box was in the house he started chewing on the corner. So we gave him the packaging inside the box.
Love, girl & shark
I did get to go grocery shopping tonight, but I also got some more done on my project. Shark also got called in to work around 6:30, for an off hours emergency mouse job. He got that taken care of, and I got some crafting stuff for a side project I'm working on for an upcoming holiday....It has to do with the L featured in a POTD from Monday. :)
POTD for 1.21.10 is : the remains of the Wii Fit packaging. The Bandit has a craving for cardboard, and as soon as the box was in the house he started chewing on the corner. So we gave him the packaging inside the box.
Love, girl & shark
Evil Laugh Style,
POTD Style,
Work Style
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Dinner and a new game
Shark and I got this BuyOneGetOne coupon for Gunther Toody's and everyone at work was telling me how awesome the food was. So I figured we'd go there to eat. Well, I shouldn't let my expectations get that high! I was so disappointed! BUT!! The real reason I wanted to head out that was, is because I checked online at the Wal-Mart out there, to see if they had the new Wii Fit Plus, it said online that they did. We got there, they did not!! So I called across town to Target to see if they had it. They did! AND she ever put one on reserve for me!! So, after eating, Shark and I went to go get the new game. It's pretty fun, and I was working pretty hard at the hula hoop game, sweating and everything. (Shark is doing yoga right now, it's pretty cute, he got a big grin on his face when I asked him if he was doing yoga!) I would like to get on the Wii board every night for a half hour or so, I figure, if I can blog twice a day, I can get my lazy behind on there and get my blood pumping! I'm pretty excited about it!!
We found something out on the Wii Fit, there is a PET STATS button. We made a Pet Mii for Bandit, and it takes his weight! It's so fun! They didn't have a dog with a beard, so we picked the closest one, it's a speckled pup with a sissy bark. So, on the Wii Fit menu, it shows me, Shark and Bandit! It's pretty fun!! :) We found out that Bandit weighes 73 lbs.! Fat dog!! (kidding!!)
POTD for 1.20.10 is : the new Wii Fit Plus with Shark's feet on the board.
Love, girl and Shark
We found something out on the Wii Fit, there is a PET STATS button. We made a Pet Mii for Bandit, and it takes his weight! It's so fun! They didn't have a dog with a beard, so we picked the closest one, it's a speckled pup with a sissy bark. So, on the Wii Fit menu, it shows me, Shark and Bandit! It's pretty fun!! :) We found out that Bandit weighes 73 lbs.! Fat dog!! (kidding!!)
POTD for 1.20.10 is : the new Wii Fit Plus with Shark's feet on the board.
Love, girl and Shark
Awesome Style,
Family Style,
New Style,
POTD Style
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
We've been JAMMED
So, whenever we go over to Ang's, her littlest one Kai, always grabs my phone, holds it up to his ear and pretends to talk. I let him have my phone because it's hard to unlock, you've got hit the OKAY and then * or something, so he can't unlock it (usually), one day Ang started playing the music on there, and when Shark called in the middle of Kai "jam session" he handed me the phone and said 'Uh oh!' It was so cute! So I have been going thru my music on my iTunes (my library from work, I have tons of music...) and picking out songs that Kai would like. Also, I am censoring my tunes. I like some of the punk bands, and every now and then, a naughty word will slip in, if so, that song is OFF the list. (I don't want the kiddos learning words like that, from me, at least!) So, I will put these tunes onto my phone, and they can also be used as ringtones. I've got one of those Mini SD cards, and the bigger SD card that it fits in, it's a pretty neat set up. Saturday and Sunday, Kai just walked around with my phone almost the whole time. He's pretty dang cute. We'll see if we can get some good tunes for him. :) I think I've got the hook up with music.
So, tonight, I got home from work, and was getting things ready with my sewing machine. At Enrichment last night, we made baby blankets for vitims of fetal demise, when babies are still born, or die before full term. Some of the blankets were teeny tiny. It was a good activity. Thanks Ang for picking me up and getting me to go, it was a great night. I got my machine ready, switched out my black thread for white thread. As I was getting my machine ready, I put in the pink thread for the quilt I'm making, and quick sewed up the letters for the quilt. As I did this, Shark cooked dinner!! He made Spaghetti with venison meat sauce! It was delicious!! The letters turned out super freaking cute!! I took some pictures of the parts of the quilt, and showed some of my friends who are in to quilting. They liked it, I think. The quilt is about hald way, but I am super excited about it, it is really starting to turn out really really cute! At this point I just want to get it done, but we have so much going on, so many potential plans, that I can hardly sit down for 20 minutes to sew a bit. But I'm thinking this weekend I'll get some time, Shark is planning on going on hunting again, or at least Brett (his hunting buddy) is planning on going hunting with Shark this weekend. So that means, I get Saturday all to myself for sewing and crafting!!
Here's the POTD for 1.19.2010 : A picture of the quilt parts, not yet assembled, more in a pile-ish.
Love, girl & shark
Church Style,
Craft Style,
Food Style,
POTD Style
Monday, January 18, 2010
Case of the Mondays
So lately, I have had NO desire to get up on Mondays. None whatsoever. I've been waking up with a headache, and just feeling awful. So excuse really, just not feeling up to Monday, I guess. But I find myself at work, usually. Last week, I was so sick I stayed home. But this week, I did it. I'm here.
Yesterday we went and hung out with Angie and Gerrit, and watched the football games. We didn't watch the Vikings/Cowboys game, but heard about it and watched highlights. (Ugh is all I can and will say). We watched the Chargers/Jets game, and was very very surprised at the outcome of that one! Philip Rivers is pissed, and you can tell. Oh well. Ang's little one Kai has been feeling awful, so we went over to help her out (Shark went to watch the game and hang with Gerrit). Kai went down for a little bitty nap, and after the Tylenol kicked in, he was jumping around and playing cars with me and bouncing and running back and forth. Amazing how medicine can change how someone feels that fast! :) It was lots of fun hanging out with them, and we really enjoy their friendship!
So, I have already begun thinking about decorations for St. Patty's day. Yup, I'm THAT lame.... But the ideas are just that ((for now)) I've been putting me ideas into my little notebook, for next month.
Today, I had the ambition to go grocery shopping because I realized we are running out of food (like always) and so we have to stock up again. I think I am going to try making double what I usually make for dinner, so we have leftovers. This hasn't worked in the past, because Shark thinks that we have to eat the entire meal when we sit down to eat it. He is either scared of leftovers, or worried our fridge will eat the food in there, saving none for him. Slowly, I've been trying toconvince reassure him that leftovers are good, and the food won't just disappear from the fridge. (We DO have a Bandit, but he's not THAT sneaky!) I think he's slowly understanding that food doesn't have to be devoured as soon as it's made. So I had the ambition, just lack of follow thru. I came home with a horrible headache, and so we sat around and watched Lost. Here is POTD for today, 1.18.10 : Lost on DVD and and L, the start of my new craft..... Just wait and see!! (Sorry for the picture being in the vert, my upload was being stupid, in My Pictures, it shows the pic being horizontal....)
Oh, and the POTD for 1.17.10 (Sunday) is this picture of my little dog being cute.....
Love, girl & shark
So lately, I have had NO desire to get up on Mondays. None whatsoever. I've been waking up with a headache, and just feeling awful. So excuse really, just not feeling up to Monday, I guess. But I find myself at work, usually. Last week, I was so sick I stayed home. But this week, I did it. I'm here.
Yesterday we went and hung out with Angie and Gerrit, and watched the football games. We didn't watch the Vikings/Cowboys game, but heard about it and watched highlights. (Ugh is all I can and will say). We watched the Chargers/Jets game, and was very very surprised at the outcome of that one! Philip Rivers is pissed, and you can tell. Oh well. Ang's little one Kai has been feeling awful, so we went over to help her out (Shark went to watch the game and hang with Gerrit). Kai went down for a little bitty nap, and after the Tylenol kicked in, he was jumping around and playing cars with me and bouncing and running back and forth. Amazing how medicine can change how someone feels that fast! :) It was lots of fun hanging out with them, and we really enjoy their friendship!
So, I have already begun thinking about decorations for St. Patty's day. Yup, I'm THAT lame.... But the ideas are just that ((for now)) I've been putting me ideas into my little notebook, for next month.
Today, I had the ambition to go grocery shopping because I realized we are running out of food (like always) and so we have to stock up again. I think I am going to try making double what I usually make for dinner, so we have leftovers. This hasn't worked in the past, because Shark thinks that we have to eat the entire meal when we sit down to eat it. He is either scared of leftovers, or worried our fridge will eat the food in there, saving none for him. Slowly, I've been trying to
Oh, and the POTD for 1.17.10 (Sunday) is this picture of my little dog being cute.....
Love, girl & shark
Food Style,
POTD Style,
Work Style
Shaka Laka!!
I have found THE best chapstick ever!! I found in a round-about way. I was looking on some website or something, and one of the header-ads popped up and it said Shaka Laka, so I was intrigued.... Well, I went to and found it was chapstick. And it wasn't very expensive, plus, it's "surf stick" so I figured it would be good stuff. It's got sunscreen in it, which is awesome. So I bought some. It got to my house on Saturday, and it is AMAZ-ZA-ZING!! I love it! It lasts so long, and it's not colored, and it feels good. And, in the 2 days I've been using it, my lips are softer and not chapped anymore!! Yay! So, I highly recomment Shaka Laka lip blaka.
Right now I am in love with The Exotic Berry Flavor. (But I feel its on;y because it was the first sitck I opened and tried, and I haven't been able to put it down!!)
So looks like, my next adventure is going to be buying the Hula La lip Blaka. So, maybe I'm going to "borrow" Shark's card to buy the blaka!! :) Seriously tho, it really is awesome.
love - girl & shark
Right now I am in love with The Exotic Berry Flavor. (But I feel its on;y because it was the first sitck I opened and tried, and I haven't been able to put it down!!)
So looks like, my next adventure is going to be buying the Hula La lip Blaka. So, maybe I'm going to "borrow" Shark's card to buy the blaka!! :) Seriously tho, it really is awesome.
love - girl & shark
Awesome Style,
Love Style,
New Style,
Try Style
Sunday, January 17, 2010
potd for yesterday
I've been trying hard to keep up to date with my photo of the days - sometimes I just lose track... So for Friday, my POTD is : The heart wreath I created!!
And POTD for today is : My Christmas tree in it's final hour!! I took it down today.
Shark and I bought a red/green Christmas box to put all our decorations and things in last year, and last year, everything barely fit! Well, I managed to fit everything into the box again this year! And that was including my new additions, like the Nativity board, and my countdown blocks, and my ribbon basket, and those new ornaments Shark's mom sent me! I was pretty proud of myself for getting everything in the box again!
I had Shark bring in the other arm chair (maybe tomorrow I'll get a picture of the beauty that is the chairs), and one of the new *free* end table we got (the one with the basket underneath, we scored two of them when we had the paper route). But without the tree, our itty-bitty living room looks so much bigger and open! I love it!! Yayayay! So maybe this means, if my house starts to feel small, I'll just whip out the Christmas tree for a few weeks. Hahaha, kidding!! I've got some more crafts in the works (like always) and I'll be sure to post them when I get them done. :)
Love - girl & shark
And POTD for today is : My Christmas tree in it's final hour!! I took it down today.
Shark and I bought a red/green Christmas box to put all our decorations and things in last year, and last year, everything barely fit! Well, I managed to fit everything into the box again this year! And that was including my new additions, like the Nativity board, and my countdown blocks, and my ribbon basket, and those new ornaments Shark's mom sent me! I was pretty proud of myself for getting everything in the box again!
I had Shark bring in the other arm chair (maybe tomorrow I'll get a picture of the beauty that is the chairs), and one of the new *free* end table we got (the one with the basket underneath, we scored two of them when we had the paper route). But without the tree, our itty-bitty living room looks so much bigger and open! I love it!! Yayayay! So maybe this means, if my house starts to feel small, I'll just whip out the Christmas tree for a few weeks. Hahaha, kidding!! I've got some more crafts in the works (like always) and I'll be sure to post them when I get them done. :)
Love - girl & shark
Craft Style,
Holiday Style,
POTD Style
Saturday, January 16, 2010
V-Day crafting (revised)
So, I was "stalking" some blogs again, and was surfing thru and found this blog called The Girl Creative, and loved the idea of this heart wreath! (I actually found the flickr page first, but got the blog one way or another.) Seriously, I cannot beleive I couldn't think of an easy way to make a wreath for Valentine's Day!! My mind was blank. I guess I'm not as creative as I boast.... ;) But I saw this wreath, and went DUH!! That's so easy, and I have everything for it (I have TONS of scraps!!) so last night I had my amazing strong husband cut the hanger and bend it to his will!! {Muahahhaahhaa} He shaped into a beautiful heart that I seriously could NOT have made. And Voila!! Yes it's crooked, no I don't care. :)
So now, I'm trying to think of more things to do for Valentine's day... I bought these cute little mailboxes from Target, and Teri made this way cute Heart garland out of felt, she had tons and gave some to me and Ang. And I've got an idea for at least 1 more thing to make. (I've been trying to make things with what I already have around the house.) I think I might resort to crayon shavings in wax paper hearts! Those looks cute anyways! Here's pics of the other stuff.
And here's more Valentine's Day decor. I made the Kisses 4 25 cents board today, I saw one at Teri's house, but I made mine different. I made the LOVE blocks 2 years ago with a Super Saturday group.
Also, today I made some S'mores on a stick. I used this recipe and idea from Gimme Some Oven. So easy and delicious!! They are a hit! Woot Woot! This is the treat for January!!
love - girl & shark
So now, I'm trying to think of more things to do for Valentine's day... I bought these cute little mailboxes from Target, and Teri made this way cute Heart garland out of felt, she had tons and gave some to me and Ang. And I've got an idea for at least 1 more thing to make. (I've been trying to make things with what I already have around the house.) I think I might resort to crayon shavings in wax paper hearts! Those looks cute anyways! Here's pics of the other stuff.
Also, today I made some S'mores on a stick. I used this recipe and idea from Gimme Some Oven. So easy and delicious!! They are a hit! Woot Woot! This is the treat for January!!
love - girl & shark
Craft Style,
Evil Laugh Style,
Food Style,
Holiday Style
Friday, January 15, 2010
i (heart) my boys
Each morning, Shark puts his socks and shoes on. He has to, he has to wear them when he's at work. But every morning, the Bandit tries to get the socks and shoes away from Shark. It's pretty cute, and really funny to watch. I love watching Shark get ready for work, and watching Bandit try to get the socks from him. I was able to get some pictures this morning, it was hard, I kept shaking the camera with my laughter.
Here are some pictures. Bandit is so cute when he wants to be. And Shark is such a good husband to play with him, even tho he's tired in the morning. I love my boys!!
love - girl & shark
Here are some pictures. Bandit is so cute when he wants to be. And Shark is such a good husband to play with him, even tho he's tired in the morning. I love my boys!!
love - girl & shark
Bandit Style,
Cute Style
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Man Blog
Man Blog-
This is Mark, and I am now entering the world of bloggers. Bryana has given me multiple opportunities, and plenty of suggestions that she does not want to be the only one writing on our blog; thus, the Man Blog.
Since I committed to write this several things have happened to or around me. I built a kiln, 
and attempted to smelt aluminum to make a knife handle. There might be pictures if I can talk Bryana into putting them on the computer, if not I'm sorry, you're not missing out on much anyhow. I went hunting twice, but did not take any pictures. One hunt my Dad and Brother Kurt came out and we went to nebraska, I shot a little whitetail with my shotgun, adding deer to it's list of kills. On our way home we saw a coyote and jumped out and shot that too. I got the coyote skinned, and the deer is cut up into edible sizes and life looks pretty good. The other hunt I went on was much less succesful. I decided to load up the Bandit and head out to Yuma to do some pheasant hunting, we walked around for a long time in fields that have been grossly overhunted since november when the season opened, but Bandit chased me up 2 birds, and one was even a rooster. Sadly though since it had been 4 hours since we saw a bird I was caught off gaurd when he jumped up, and missed the shot, sorry Bandit. On the way home somewhat dejected over getting skunked I saw field full of geese , and thought to try my luck there, to no avail. Turns out it was private and the owner quite adamately did not want me hunting his property.
The following monday I was on jury duty, which is all in all not as bad as people make it out to be, they give you all the free hot chocolate you want, and have magazines to read while you wait. I was selected as a juror, and attended the case, which took all of 2 days to complete. It interesting to see the legal system at work, and the compitition between the oposing lawyers. I was very dilligent and took quite detailed notes, and just as we the jury were heading back to deliberate, the judge called my name and told me that I was the alternate and would not be given a vote. But as it turns out it didn't matter anyway the was clearly not enough evidence to convict him even though the prosecuting lawyer did a very good job. Since then, I've just been working and have now started the my blog.
Man Blog Style,
New Style,
Try Style
Caught it again!
Today I woke up sick - again! I woke up with a sore throat. So, I have been chugging the OJ, drinking loads of H2O and popping echinichea/golden seal and vitamin C like a mad-woman. I got thru work, and got home, and took another dose of the vitamin C. Since I didn't get to stop in the library yesterday, I asked Shark if he wanted to go today, he said he did, so we got in the truck and went out for a night at the library. So the new library is not very organized, or maybe it is, they just don't have it labeled, well, either way, I can never seem to find anything! Shark and I have been on a Book On CD kick for a while, cuz I can listen to them at work, and he can plug into his iPod and listen all day too! Best. Ever. So, I brought along a list of the books I wanted to find, and Shark found them all for me!! He's the best ever!! So, the POTD for 1.14.10 is a pic of the books we got from the library!! Yayayayay!!
((Happy Anniversary Mom & Dad!!))
love, girl & shark
Free Style,
POTD Style,
Try Style
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
In my head, this week has been going by so slow! The days have just been dragging on. I've gotten some good things done so far though. We went grocery shopping yesterday, I started my new project, and I'm almost 1/2 way done with the first part! I've started figuring out more about the Cricut, and Shark and I played Mario. I would like to continue making 1 (holiday) treat each month, and I think I have the treat picked out for this month. I think I want to make them this weekend. I'm pretty good at multi tasking, starting 1 thing, and then at a stopping point, I go start something else (like laundry) then go back and forth between the 2 or 3 things. So, that's my plan for Saturday, do laundry, make cookies, and work on the project more. But it's only Wednesday.... Bleh.
Tonight, Shark and I went to the temple and then hit the library. I had to drop off books (today is the due date) and I was hoping to scope out some new ones. I would like to start reading The Sister's Grimm series. I've heard lots of good things about it, and have been reading a little bit about it, and think it sounds WAY good. But by the time I got to the library, it was closed, so I did the book drop. Hopefully tomorrow, we'll make it... Here's my random POTD for today 1.13.10 : a picture of the clock in the spare room, it's been stuck at 10:41 for weeks!
Love to you - girl & shark
Tonight, Shark and I went to the temple and then hit the library. I had to drop off books (today is the due date) and I was hoping to scope out some new ones. I would like to start reading The Sister's Grimm series. I've heard lots of good things about it, and have been reading a little bit about it, and think it sounds WAY good. But by the time I got to the library, it was closed, so I did the book drop. Hopefully tomorrow, we'll make it... Here's my random POTD for today 1.13.10 : a picture of the clock in the spare room, it's been stuck at 10:41 for weeks!
Love to you - girl & shark
Free Style,
POTD Style,
Try Style,
Work Style
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Crafting for Feb
So, I "stalk" quite a few blogs, and sometimes when I'm at work bored with nothing to do, I link up to other blogs and see what they got. Well, I honestly can't remember which blog I linked thru to find this Be Mine board at Inspiring Creations, but I saw it ONCE and it stuck in my mind. I kept thinking of different ways to create it. She used vinyl, I used paper and Mod Podge. That's really the only difference I could think of. After seeing it once, I ended up creating mine almost EXACTLY like her's! Wow! I'm also really surprised I found it again! I didn't save the page or anything. (I went to Google and clicked 'blogs' and typed in Be Mine Board. And it popped up!!) I'm hoping to make some decorations for most holidays, so our house looks "festive" - so more V-Day decor to come.
Also, everyone once in a while Wal-Mart will have a really good deal on crafting stuff. "Be Crafty" must one of the top resolutions because good WalMart had a great buy on a craft bundle. So I snagged one, crossing my fingers to get a good deal and that something (just something) worth my money would be in there. I got paper, some clear stamps (not sure how to use them, I'll have to ask Ang), I got am album, some paper, some page accents (in baby colors, yay for pages for Feather!), I got some cardstock letter stickers (woo-who!! so excited for those!) and a whole bunch of embellishments (I'm excited to put them in my Project Life), and I also got a layout book, full of ideas for new layouts and new scraping ideas!! So, that $15 was worth it. I was kind of hesitant, but really happy that I picked one up. :)
Love, girl and shark (he's sleeping already...)
Also, everyone once in a while Wal-Mart will have a really good deal on crafting stuff. "Be Crafty" must one of the top resolutions because good WalMart had a great buy on a craft bundle. So I snagged one, crossing my fingers to get a good deal and that something (just something) worth my money would be in there. I got paper, some clear stamps (not sure how to use them, I'll have to ask Ang), I got am album, some paper, some page accents (in baby colors, yay for pages for Feather!), I got some cardstock letter stickers (woo-who!! so excited for those!) and a whole bunch of embellishments (I'm excited to put them in my Project Life), and I also got a layout book, full of ideas for new layouts and new scraping ideas!! So, that $15 was worth it. I was kind of hesitant, but really happy that I picked one up. :)
Love, girl and shark (he's sleeping already...)
Craft Style,
Holiday Style
Mario beat Bowser AGAIN!
So, most of the posts for this year are going to be pretty boring. I'm just warning everybody now. If not boring, then completely pointless. I apologize in advance, but there's nothing I can or will do about it. :) I'm just not that exciting (and yes, when I thought the word EXCITING, I thought it with a Scottish accent, like Scotty in the new Star Trek.) See. Lame.
Today, it was the same old same, I went to work, helped show the guys how to print from their computers, and eventually just printing the stuff myself. Yup. Shark had a different day. Today was the 2nd (and last) day of the trial. He got called in for jury duty, and he got selected. But he found out today, he was the alternate. So, he got to get out of work (and still get paid) and go thru the trial, he even said he took really good notes, and then when the jury went in to deliberation, they said he could go home. He didn't even stick around to see what the verdict was, he was sorry about that, tho. He wished he would have stayed, but he had some Goombas to stomp. After work, we played Mario for a while, then went shopping, then came home and played more Mario.
I was cleaning up the living room (sort of but not really) and I found a really OLD Primary craft. Last Father's Day I made a bunch of ties for the kids to give to their dad's. I found one under the couch, and tucked it into Bandit's collar. So that is the POTD for today.
Love, girl & shark
Today, it was the same old same, I went to work, helped show the guys how to print from their computers, and eventually just printing the stuff myself. Yup. Shark had a different day. Today was the 2nd (and last) day of the trial. He got called in for jury duty, and he got selected. But he found out today, he was the alternate. So, he got to get out of work (and still get paid) and go thru the trial, he even said he took really good notes, and then when the jury went in to deliberation, they said he could go home. He didn't even stick around to see what the verdict was, he was sorry about that, tho. He wished he would have stayed, but he had some Goombas to stomp. After work, we played Mario for a while, then went shopping, then came home and played more Mario.
I was cleaning up the living room (sort of but not really) and I found a really OLD Primary craft. Last Father's Day I made a bunch of ties for the kids to give to their dad's. I found one under the couch, and tucked it into Bandit's collar. So that is the POTD for today.
Love, girl & shark
Awesome Style,
Bandit Style,
Evil Laugh Style,
Family Style,
POTD Style
Monday, January 11, 2010
So before Christmas, Shark got a SUMMONS in the mail. He was summoned for Jury Duty on Jan 11. Well, he went today, and he got picked. So he'll be at jury duty for a few days. Plus, he totally gets to sleep in! I'll see if he'll tell about it.
Today I was home sick, I got up in time for work, and I was heading out the door, and my stomach turned over. No idea what it is, or was. I've been drinking lots of tea, and I slept all morning. Shark came home for lunch today. Then when he got home, we played Mario Wii, we beat the game, and now we're going thru it again to get the coins. Today was just a lazy day, but I feel tons better tonight, as I lay down to go to sleep.
Bandit tore apart the house again yesterday. He drug a sleeping bag outside, my boots (my brand new birthday boots!!), Shark's boots, Shark's fishing tackle bag, he chewed up my advent calendar, he knocked down the shelf the old Nintendo, he got the bathroom garbage, he got the cushion, and all Shark's soda cans. So, from now on, our little beast of a dog is going to be outside when we're gone. No more being nice to the mean dog. He's got fur for a reason, so he can stay outdoors and stay warm. It's not cuz he's bored, Shark takes the dog hunting all the time, and we play with him. Today he got to stay in the house because I was home all day. But ttomorrow, Shark is locking Bandit's doggie booty outside!!
So far, that's all that's been going on this week. POTD for today is my tea stuff. And Shark's JUROR sticker.
love, girl and shark
Today I was home sick, I got up in time for work, and I was heading out the door, and my stomach turned over. No idea what it is, or was. I've been drinking lots of tea, and I slept all morning. Shark came home for lunch today. Then when he got home, we played Mario Wii, we beat the game, and now we're going thru it again to get the coins. Today was just a lazy day, but I feel tons better tonight, as I lay down to go to sleep.
Bandit tore apart the house again yesterday. He drug a sleeping bag outside, my boots (my brand new birthday boots!!), Shark's boots, Shark's fishing tackle bag, he chewed up my advent calendar, he knocked down the shelf the old Nintendo, he got the bathroom garbage, he got the cushion, and all Shark's soda cans. So, from now on, our little beast of a dog is going to be outside when we're gone. No more being nice to the mean dog. He's got fur for a reason, so he can stay outdoors and stay warm. It's not cuz he's bored, Shark takes the dog hunting all the time, and we play with him. Today he got to stay in the house because I was home all day. But ttomorrow, Shark is locking Bandit's doggie booty outside!!
So far, that's all that's been going on this week. POTD for today is my tea stuff. And Shark's JUROR sticker.
love, girl and shark
Bandit Style,
Colorado Style,
New Style,
POTD Style
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Packer Backer
So I was so excited for the game today! It didn't start out too good tho. BUT - we pulled away and got SO close to winning.... So close!! In the end, we lost, but it was in overtime, after AZ missed a 23 yard field goal. We played a pretty dang good game, and game the Cards a tougher time then the Vi-Queens did. Oh well, Aaron Rodgers is still my home boy!
We went over to Angie's to watch the game. Gerrit is out of town at a conference, and we came over, ate their food, and watched football. :) I crafted, and got lots done! I'm so excited, my project is turning out cute, I was kind of hesitant on the colors I picked, but it looks cute, I think the colors have grown on me.... I got some browies as a White Elephant gift, and I decided to bring them over and make them at her house. They were pretty dang good too!!
Here is the POTD for today : Shark in his home-made Cardinals jersey and me in my Rodgers jersey.
Shark made a Cardinals jersey in the minutes between church and heading to Ang's. My mom says Shark is the one that made us lose today. Not enough faith in the family or something. :)
love - the girl & shark
We went over to Angie's to watch the game. Gerrit is out of town at a conference, and we came over, ate their food, and watched football. :) I crafted, and got lots done! I'm so excited, my project is turning out cute, I was kind of hesitant on the colors I picked, but it looks cute, I think the colors have grown on me.... I got some browies as a White Elephant gift, and I decided to bring them over and make them at her house. They were pretty dang good too!!
Here is the POTD for today : Shark in his home-made Cardinals jersey and me in my Rodgers jersey.
Shark made a Cardinals jersey in the minutes between church and heading to Ang's. My mom says Shark is the one that made us lose today. Not enough faith in the family or something. :)
love - the girl & shark
Food Style,
Football Style,
Friend Style,
POTD Style
Christmas gift part 2
So, here are the gifts that I didn't get on the first post. I am still waiting on some pics from my mom. I didn't get a pic of my little brother's gift. But, here is what I got Shark's mom.
I know that she really likes The Wizard Of Oz, and I had all those wooden filing cabinets. Well, I had Shark break them all apart, and I used the "door" of the cabinets. I spray painted them Nickel (cuz I LOVE that color!) and hooked up with my "vinyl lady" Angie, and printed out the quotes, I cut out the silouttes of the characters with an exacto knife.
This gift for Jena isn't really a Christmas gift, it's a birthday present. And I completely spaced making a wallet and flip flops for her! (How did I do that?!) We sent them a gift card for an Xbox game. So I whipped up a wallet for her birthday. I *love* the colors for this one! It turned out so freaking cute! I hope she likes it! But here it is. Colors are black andtie-dye(?) psycadelic!!
Ta da for gifts! Oh, and I might be thinking of going to the Mile High Flea Market again this year. Sell some wallets, flip flops, and maybe some chickenwire boards (I have to see how many boards I have left...). It was fun last year, and I'm excited to try it again. Who knows. But that's just what I'm thinking....
love - girl & shark
I know that she really likes The Wizard Of Oz, and I had all those wooden filing cabinets. Well, I had Shark break them all apart, and I used the "door" of the cabinets. I spray painted them Nickel (cuz I LOVE that color!) and hooked up with my "vinyl lady" Angie, and printed out the quotes, I cut out the silouttes of the characters with an exacto knife.
This gift for Jena isn't really a Christmas gift, it's a birthday present. And I completely spaced making a wallet and flip flops for her! (How did I do that?!) We sent them a gift card for an Xbox game. So I whipped up a wallet for her birthday. I *love* the colors for this one! It turned out so freaking cute! I hope she likes it! But here it is. Colors are black and
Ta da for gifts! Oh, and I might be thinking of going to the Mile High Flea Market again this year. Sell some wallets, flip flops, and maybe some chickenwire boards (I have to see how many boards I have left...). It was fun last year, and I'm excited to try it again. Who knows. But that's just what I'm thinking....
love - girl & shark
Craft Style,
Gift Style
Saturday, January 9, 2010
conclusion...or not
So my POTD for yesterday was our feet with the Crusoe DVD. Well we finished it tonight, well the episodes at least. Too bad the series ends in a cliff hanger!! I feel totally jipped!! The last episode ends with Crusoe still stuck on the blasted island, his wife figured out why that creepy old guy is helping her out, she got her kids back, and Olivia is helping her out for some reason unknown. So Shark and I were ready to watch the final episode and then all the sudden the Main Menu pops up. THAT WAS THE FINAL EPISODE!! Dang you NBC, how can you just LEAVE him on the island. You couldn't have knocked out a pointless episode, like the one with the coming of age games? You couldn't have resolved everything in that last episode?! I hate you for dragging me along on a pointless adventure. I don't want another season, just 1 last episode, to answer the questions, to reunite Crusoe with his wife and kids, to just explain why Olivia is helping them (kind of) and to get Blackthorn out of the way for good!! I guess I will never know. Anger.
Today, Shark took Bandit out shooting somewhere not close by (I say somewhere cuz I'm not actually sure where they went....) and I hung out with Teri and Angie and crafted pretty much all day. Shark says Bandit ran about 80 miles today, he chased jack rabbits and birds all over, and the Bandit came home and wanted to play!! I have no idea how that dog has so much energy. Wirehairs are pretty much the best hunting dog I've even seen, but if I could change 1 thing, it would be: they wouldn't be so blasted energetic!! Gear down, turbo...for real!! But I got my fabric cut for a new project, and I hope to start it during the week, or this next weekend. Who knows. But I'm pretty dang excited about this project. Now, if it can turn out how I have it pictured in my head.... It'll look amazing. Plus, I bought a some materials for a little tiny V-Day decor project, and I have at least 1 more V-Day decor project in mind.... And I made a little bracelet.
I saw it on a blog called Sister's Stuff, and figured I'd try to make one. It worked pretty good, now all I need to do is get to the temple and try it out. It's a bracelet to hold the name when I go thru the temple, cuz I'm always dropping mine, and I only have 1 pocket, which holds my chapstick and lifesavers.
And here is the POTD for 1.9.10 : fabric! The fabric strips I cut out today!!
Love to all - girl & shark
Today, Shark took Bandit out shooting somewhere not close by (I say somewhere cuz I'm not actually sure where they went....) and I hung out with Teri and Angie and crafted pretty much all day. Shark says Bandit ran about 80 miles today, he chased jack rabbits and birds all over, and the Bandit came home and wanted to play!! I have no idea how that dog has so much energy. Wirehairs are pretty much the best hunting dog I've even seen, but if I could change 1 thing, it would be: they wouldn't be so blasted energetic!! Gear down, turbo...for real!! But I got my fabric cut for a new project, and I hope to start it during the week, or this next weekend. Who knows. But I'm pretty dang excited about this project. Now, if it can turn out how I have it pictured in my head.... It'll look amazing. Plus, I bought a some materials for a little tiny V-Day decor project, and I have at least 1 more V-Day decor project in mind.... And I made a little bracelet.
I saw it on a blog called Sister's Stuff, and figured I'd try to make one. It worked pretty good, now all I need to do is get to the temple and try it out. It's a bracelet to hold the name when I go thru the temple, cuz I'm always dropping mine, and I only have 1 pocket, which holds my chapstick and lifesavers.
And here is the POTD for 1.9.10 : fabric! The fabric strips I cut out today!!
Love to all - girl & shark
Craft Style,
Hunting Style,
POTD Style
Friday, January 8, 2010
goals and such
I made a list of goals a while back, and I actually found it knew where it was the whole time. Some of these goals are more long term, some could be short term, others are whatever term I want them to be or get them done in. :)
1. Get out of debt entirely
2. Learn to speak Italian
3. Finish school (do something)
4. Get into shape (self confidence)
5. Start making flip flops/ISpy bottles/chicken wire boards, sell them.
6. Go to Europe
7. Add 20 movies (a year) to my collection (cheap as possible)
8. Do 1 crafty project a month, blog about it
9. Get N64, PS2, Ninetendo that works
10. Visit 5 more states
11. Fix up red pick-up, sell/trade for 4Runner (only after #1)
12. Snowboard with confidence, do tricks, learn to turn
13. Go on a carriage ride around the temple in SLC in every season, and for (at least) 1 anniversary
14. Learn to Salsa dance and/or Ballroom dance
15. Prepare and maintain a spiritual environment for my children
16. Go to the temple twice a month
17. Build up food storage & 72 hour kits
18. Go to Hawaii
19. Learn to scube dive
20. Shoot an animal with a gun
21. Catch a picture worthy edible fish
22. Continue/create holiday traditions (Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, New Years)
23. Find and cook 10 (a year) new recipes and add them to my monthly menu
24. Start each day with a kiss, breakfast, and a song. End each day with a hug, a kiss, and goodnight my love.
25. Do my visiting teaching every month for a whole year.
26. Start a tradition of General Conference (breakfast or dinner)
Like I said, some of them are long term. But I think I have a pretty good list, and that they are all very obtainable goals. Whether it's this year or next year, or in 5 years or 10 years, I can get these done. Some of my friends have created a goal list called 30 by 30, apparently it's 30 goals before you turn 30. Pretty good. Altough Shark and I have the advantage, more years before 30. But this list is NOT a 30 by 30 list, this is just a list of goals. So we'll just have to see. Shark has agreed to help me with my goals, cuz he's going to be a part of the goals. :)
Shark and I went to the temple tonight. I randomly asked him today via text if he wanted to go the temple tonight. He saaid sure, came and took me out to lunch, and then came back to my work at 4 to pick me up and take me to the temple. I love my husband! He's pretty dang awesome!
1.8.10 : potd - Shark's mom got us this TV series on DVD, it's kind of ridiculous, but entertaining. We started watching it once we got home.
love to all - girl & shark
1. Get out of debt entirely
2. Learn to speak Italian
3. Finish school (do something)
4. Get into shape (self confidence)
5. Start making flip flops/ISpy bottles/chicken wire boards, sell them.
6. Go to Europe
7. Add 20 movies (a year) to my collection (cheap as possible)
8. Do 1 crafty project a month, blog about it
9. Get N64, PS2, Ninetendo that works
10. Visit 5 more states
11. Fix up red pick-up, sell/trade for 4Runner (only after #1)
12. Snowboard with confidence, do tricks, learn to turn
13. Go on a carriage ride around the temple in SLC in every season, and for (at least) 1 anniversary
14. Learn to Salsa dance and/or Ballroom dance
15. Prepare and maintain a spiritual environment for my children
16. Go to the temple twice a month
17. Build up food storage & 72 hour kits
18. Go to Hawaii
19. Learn to scube dive
20. Shoot an animal with a gun
21. Catch a picture worthy edible fish
22. Continue/create holiday traditions (Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, New Years)
23. Find and cook 10 (a year) new recipes and add them to my monthly menu
24. Start each day with a kiss, breakfast, and a song. End each day with a hug, a kiss, and goodnight my love.
25. Do my visiting teaching every month for a whole year.
26. Start a tradition of General Conference (breakfast or dinner)
Like I said, some of them are long term. But I think I have a pretty good list, and that they are all very obtainable goals. Whether it's this year or next year, or in 5 years or 10 years, I can get these done. Some of my friends have created a goal list called 30 by 30, apparently it's 30 goals before you turn 30. Pretty good. Altough Shark and I have the advantage, more years before 30. But this list is NOT a 30 by 30 list, this is just a list of goals. So we'll just have to see. Shark has agreed to help me with my goals, cuz he's going to be a part of the goals. :)
Shark and I went to the temple tonight. I randomly asked him today via text if he wanted to go the temple tonight. He saaid sure, came and took me out to lunch, and then came back to my work at 4 to pick me up and take me to the temple. I love my husband! He's pretty dang awesome!
1.8.10 : potd - Shark's mom got us this TV series on DVD, it's kind of ridiculous, but entertaining. We started watching it once we got home.
love to all - girl & shark
Craft Style,
New Style,
POTD Style,
Try Style
Thursday, January 7, 2010
about me
1. Where is your cell phone... on the desk next to my Cricut
2. Your hair... down, short and not done at all today
3. Your awesome
4. Your father... is a pretty cool guy
5. Your favorite food... buffalo wings
6. Your dream from last night... about people I went to elementary school with (all grown up), we were shooting bow at a Cabela's and grilling raccoons....
7. Your favorite drink...milk
8. Your dream/goal... to have a dishwasher
9. What room are you in... craft/computer room
10. What is your hobby... crafting, blogging
11. What is your fear...that I won't amount to anything, I won't find a purpose
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years... happy and healthy with healthy kids!!
13. Where were you last night... watching Crusoe with Shark
14. Something you are not... organized
15. Muffins?... lemon poppy seed are the best
16. Wish List items... time, yeah, and cardstock
17. Where did you grow up... Wisconsin
18. Last thing you did... loaded paper into the Cricut, it's cutting
19. What are you wearing... jeans, I'm heading to iHop
20. Your TV.... only plays DVD's and video games, no cable (no we don't want it)
21. Your pet... is a speckled bearded pup
22. Your friends... are freaking awesome!
23. Your life... is fantastic
24. Your mood... excited
25. Missing someone... the whole family (both sides and all in between)
26. Vehicle... Checvy pickup
27. Something your not wearing... shoes
28. Your favorite store...Target
29. Your favorite color... blue and black, sometimes I'm nuts for pink tho
30. When's the last time you laughed... when Bandit would peek in at me (he's not supposed to come in the craft room) POTD for 1-7-10 :
31. When's the last time you cried... a week or so ago
32. Your best friend... is freaking amazing and awesome, and so dang creative!
33. One place you go over and over...WalMart
34. One person who emails me regularly... my dad
35. Favorite place to eat?... Chili's
That's just a little bit about The Girl.... I found it on a blog, and I decided to post a little bit.
Thank you girls for a wonderful night out! I'm pretty proud about the fact that we closed down that iHop, and the food was pretty good, even though we should have got the senior discount by the time we got out of there. You are the best friends ever!! :)
love, the girl & shark
2. Your hair... down, short and not done at all today
3. Your awesome
4. Your father... is a pretty cool guy
5. Your favorite food... buffalo wings
6. Your dream from last night... about people I went to elementary school with (all grown up), we were shooting bow at a Cabela's and grilling raccoons....
7. Your favorite drink...milk
8. Your dream/goal... to have a dishwasher
9. What room are you in... craft/computer room
10. What is your hobby... crafting, blogging
11. What is your fear...that I won't amount to anything, I won't find a purpose
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years... happy and healthy with healthy kids!!
13. Where were you last night... watching Crusoe with Shark
14. Something you are not... organized
15. Muffins?... lemon poppy seed are the best
16. Wish List items... time, yeah, and cardstock
17. Where did you grow up... Wisconsin
18. Last thing you did... loaded paper into the Cricut, it's cutting
19. What are you wearing... jeans, I'm heading to iHop
20. Your TV.... only plays DVD's and video games, no cable (no we don't want it)
21. Your pet... is a speckled bearded pup
22. Your friends... are freaking awesome!
23. Your life... is fantastic
24. Your mood... excited
25. Missing someone... the whole family (both sides and all in between)
26. Vehicle... Checvy pickup
27. Something your not wearing... shoes
28. Your favorite store...Target
29. Your favorite color... blue and black, sometimes I'm nuts for pink tho
30. When's the last time you laughed... when Bandit would peek in at me (he's not supposed to come in the craft room) POTD for 1-7-10 :
31. When's the last time you cried... a week or so ago
32. Your best friend... is freaking amazing and awesome, and so dang creative!
33. One place you go over and over...WalMart
34. One person who emails me regularly... my dad
35. Favorite place to eat?... Chili's
That's just a little bit about The Girl.... I found it on a blog, and I decided to post a little bit.
Thank you girls for a wonderful night out! I'm pretty proud about the fact that we closed down that iHop, and the food was pretty good, even though we should have got the senior discount by the time we got out of there. You are the best friends ever!! :)
love, the girl & shark
Bandit Style,
Easy Style,
POTD Style
differences in my projects
Ok, so I said before that I was going to be "double-journaling" well, that's not really true. I will be posting a Picture of The Day here on the blog, it's fun and it makes me think a bit. But I have decided how I want to go about creating my Project Life. I want it to be about me and Shark (and not so much just me), so each day I will take a picture of what we do together or really just what we do. Like the 1st and 2nd of this month will be pics of me, cuz Shark was hunting in Nebraska. And I know that if the picture has our faces in it, it can't have much else, so we may just have a bunch of pics of our feet and hands or something like that. But I think that is how I want to make my Project Life go. Also, I discovered how the DesignStudio (that Shark's mom Santa got my for Christmas) works, and I can change or fix or manipulate the letters to do what I want!! I'm so excited, plus, I can totally get everything I want on 1 page and then just print it, and walk away! Awesome! So, I will be doing that tonight, searching the house for my work ID card, and sometime in the middle there, I'll be heading to IHOP with the girls for a dinner!! :) Yayayayay!
So,changing actually figuring out my plan of attack for the PL, means I might have to fudge some of the pictures, but I wrote it all down, so I remember what I did which day, I need it so I can journal the info in. It won't be too bad, I think the album will be pretty dang cute, I'm excited to get it going, and making it awesome!!! I've got all kinds of ideas for it, and cute little quirky things to put in it, and little additions to make it US. (Down to letting Bandit walk on it, just to add his touch to the album. We'll see....) Once I get the first few pages created, I'll post pics of them. I don't have the pictures in them yet, I've still got to order them from :) but I'll get the layouts ready and show everybody!!
Love - girl & shark
Love - girl & shark
Craft Style,
Try Style
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
I told the Witch Doctor....
Oh ee oh ah ah, ting tang willa walla bing bang
Oh wow, if only that would work!! I'm about ready to head to a witch doctor for my headaches. Now, they have gotten better, they aren't constant, they are back to being weekly migraines, sometimes daily migraines. But it's not constant pain! Yayay! Sort of. When I do get head aches now, they really just wipe me out, and knock me down. they're still pretty awful. But I go back to the doctor (not the witch doctor....yet) this month, and then I also back to the cardiologist next month. I have my 1-year check up for the heart surgery. Goodness, has it already been a year? Holy crap! It sure doesn't feel like a year ago I had open heart surgery!! Wow! Anyways, we are still working on getting the migraines gone, or at least mostly gone. I've got the make an appointment to get back in and see the nuerologist here pretty quick.
And today we didn't do anything special. Shark and I both worked today, came home, watched TV and then went to bed. Nothing exciting at all. So here is my potd for today. A picture of my desk at work. Trust me, nothing exciting at all.
I did have the song stuck in my head all day though....
Oh ee oh ah ah....
love - girl & shark
Oh wow, if only that would work!! I'm about ready to head to a witch doctor for my headaches. Now, they have gotten better, they aren't constant, they are back to being weekly migraines, sometimes daily migraines. But it's not constant pain! Yayay! Sort of. When I do get head aches now, they really just wipe me out, and knock me down. they're still pretty awful. But I go back to the doctor (not the witch doctor....yet) this month, and then I also back to the cardiologist next month. I have my 1-year check up for the heart surgery. Goodness, has it already been a year? Holy crap! It sure doesn't feel like a year ago I had open heart surgery!! Wow! Anyways, we are still working on getting the migraines gone, or at least mostly gone. I've got the make an appointment to get back in and see the nuerologist here pretty quick.
And today we didn't do anything special. Shark and I both worked today, came home, watched TV and then went to bed. Nothing exciting at all. So here is my potd for today. A picture of my desk at work. Trust me, nothing exciting at all.
I did have the song stuck in my head all day though....
Oh ee oh ah ah....
love - girl & shark
Doctor Style,
POTD Style
the hook up - free
Ok, so on one of the blogs I "stalk" she posted about free carmel apples. Now, I don't turn down anything free, trust me, I've tried. So here's the low-down! This is the one I picked out!
Click the link HERE to order your free sample. I was so excited when I saw this free sample offering. And be sure to check out all the different kinds, cuzit made the decision so much harder they all look delicious! There's a link to see them all under the drop-down menu where you select which kind you want. And now a feast for your eyes.
Love - girl & shark
Click the link HERE to order your free sample. I was so excited when I saw this free sample offering. And be sure to check out all the different kinds, cuz
Love - girl & shark
Evil Laugh Style,
Food Style,
Free Style
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Going on so far.
2010 has been a sort of busy year, at least for the 5 days that have made up 2010 so far. But even though it has been kinda busy, I haven't been pulling my hair out trying to get things done. I haven't been losing sleep with stress, and both Shark and I have been kinda lazy.... I mean, come on, the Christmas tree is still up, and all our holiday decorations are still hanging on the walls and on the shelves. So yeah, you could call us lazy. Either way, we've had stuff going on this past week.
Shark got a deer this past weekend, while he was hunting in Nebraska, and we've been going to great lengths to keep the Bandit from eating it. Shark just wants to test out the meat grinder he got fromhis mom Santa. I don't blame him, I want to see it in action too. Pretty soon we'll have venison hamburger and venison summer sausage. MMMMM!
I got my Project Life kit and I have been assembling it for the past 2 days. I haven't even had time to try out my new Cricut carts yet! I'll get to those tonight, when I cut out a bunch of stuff for my PL binder. Last weekend, while Shark was in NE, I had started to organize my craft ideas (from my little notebook) but I only got half way, because I took Bandit to the dog park, and then headed to Chuck E. Cheese. (See : here I am!!)
So, I would like to finish that, at least get all the ideas written down and put into the binder (I started a project binder, so I can keep pics and new ideas in it, so I don't lose them or forget about them, some of the ideas are pretty dang good!)
Ooh, and I converted to the NEW (and improved) blogger editor. It's got the strike through, which I really wanted, and it uploads pics so much easier and better, I like the new editor a lot.
And for a potd, here you go. A peek into my craft room.
I've got my Cricut on, cardstock ready, carts out, boxes open, I think I see my phone, and my PL out, and oh yes, there is a coonskin cap on my table as well...
love to all - girl & shark
Shark got a deer this past weekend, while he was hunting in Nebraska, and we've been going to great lengths to keep the Bandit from eating it. Shark just wants to test out the meat grinder he got from
I got my Project Life kit and I have been assembling it for the past 2 days. I haven't even had time to try out my new Cricut carts yet! I'll get to those tonight, when I cut out a bunch of stuff for my PL binder. Last weekend, while Shark was in NE, I had started to organize my craft ideas (from my little notebook) but I only got half way, because I took Bandit to the dog park, and then headed to Chuck E. Cheese. (See : here I am!!)
So, I would like to finish that, at least get all the ideas written down and put into the binder (I started a project binder, so I can keep pics and new ideas in it, so I don't lose them or forget about them, some of the ideas are pretty dang good!)
Ooh, and I converted to the NEW (and improved) blogger editor. It's got the strike through, which I really wanted, and it uploads pics so much easier and better, I like the new editor a lot.
And for a potd, here you go. A peek into my craft room.
I've got my Cricut on, cardstock ready, carts out, boxes open, I think I see my phone, and my PL out, and oh yes, there is a coonskin cap on my table as well...
love to all - girl & shark
Craft Style,
New Style,
POTD Style,
Try Style
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